I recently did a fresh install of XP sp3 and allowed it to download and install all post sp3 updates. Once that was completed, I made an image backup and also slipstreamed a disk to include all service packs and updates.
Normally, I don’t need this system to be on line. So, I keep the internet connection disabled. About a month after the re-install, I had a need to temporarily go on-line. As soon as I did, the system said that there were new MS updates available. There were 22 updates and all of them were .net framework related such as: Update for MS .net framework 2.0 sp2 & winxp x86 kb2863239. This was a surprise as I thought that I had all of the WinXP updates.
During the slipstreaming process, I used UCD to download all XP updates. Comparing a couple of the .net framework kb numbers with the UDC list, it appears that UDC did not download any .net framework files.
Can I expect to get more .net framework or other XP updates?
I found the one update file that I wrote down (above) on my C drive but now that all 22 are installed, I don’t know how to tell which is which among all the update files that are there. Do I need to re-do the slipstreamed disk to include these. If so, how do I determine which I need and should I get them from my C drive or direct from MS?