• Windows Update service disabled

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    • This topic has 37 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 1 week, 1 day ago by LittleVoice.

    I am unable to run Windows Update; I’ve tried every solution I can find on this forum to no avail. One symptom I notice is that the Windows Update service is disabled, and I cannot enable it. If I choose any of the enable options then try to start the service, I receive “Error 1058: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.” I have searched and tried numerous fixes; they all end up with the same 1058 error. Help!

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    • #2110033

      We could use some additional information.
      What version of Win10 are you running? 1809? 1903? 1909? Pro or Home Edition?
      Have you used any third-party update blockers?
      Are you logged in an Administrator account of a Standard account?
      What/when  was the last update that was successful?
      What have you tried so far?

      • #2110035

        Version 1809, professional

        I have no update blockers. I use Adblock Plus in the browser. Running Microsoft security tools and MalwareBytes.

        I am an administrator.

        When I View Update History, there are no entries (Capture1 attached). Opening Control Panel shows the updates in Capture2 attached. Last update is 8/9/2019.

        I cannot even recall all the things I have tried. In the AskWoody forum post for the error I receive from Windows Update, (0x80070422), I have tried all the suggestions in the links included in the response to that topic. I have searched the internet for the 1058 error and tried every option I could find. If you have any suggestions let’s just start from scratch if we could.



    • #2110052

      OK, lets start with system integrity:

      + Open an elevated Command Prompt (right click cmd.exe and Run as Administrator).
      Run chkdsk /f
      It will tell you it can’t run b/c the computer is on, do you want to run on reboot?
      Exit the Command Prompt and reboot.
      Did it find/correct any errors?

      + Open an elevated Command Prompt
      Run DISM /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
      Did it find/correct any errors?
      Run SFC /scannow
      Did it find/correct any errors?

      • #2110058

        First, I thank you *very* much for your help! Once again this forum is the best.

        Chkdsk ran with no errors.

        DISM ran with the error shown in attached Capture3: Error 1058 The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it. I have attached the DISM log. (I had to change the extension to txt from log.)

        SFC ran with the error shown in attached Capture4. The log is attached. I had to compress it to upload.

        Again, many thanks for any help you can provide.



        • #2110081

          The Defender errors that show in the sfc log should have been fixed by DISM, had it run to completion.

        • #2110404

          I also have corrupt files on a Windows 7 Ultimate which probably happen in 2017 and would not update until I got it partially fixed in 2019. It partly runs and updates but I know it is not fully right. My partial fix was on Windows 7 not Windows 8.

          I have opened another post on “How to read the CBS log”: https://www.askwoody.com/forums/topic/how-to-read-cbs-log-file/

    • #2110079

      OK, before we go any further, Open Group Policy.
      Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components
      Under Windows Update and Windows Update for Business
      Look through anything that is not default and see if you have any settings disabling Windows Update. Be sure it is NOT turned off/disabled anywhere.

      I will need to log off at 8:00pm CST US. But I will be back on around 4:00am. If you don’t find anything in Group Policy, the next step will be to reset Windows Update (tomorrow in the morning, or whenever you show up).

      Incidently, it looks like the last updates you have are the July 2019 lot.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2110119

        Thank you. I will be able to follow up Sunday afternoon PST.

    • #2110153

      I am guessing you want to patch your computer, otherwise I don’t understand why would someone want WU running.    have  you tried installing manual updates?  it may help fix your problem.

      Just someone who don't want Windows to mess with its computer.
      • #2110168

        I’m unable to do a manual update. That’s what started all this. When I click Check For Updates I get error 0x80070422, which through the multitude of suggested fixes–none of which work–I get the 1058 error.

        • #2110232

          Updates may be downloaded from the Microsoft Update Catalog and manually installed:

          What I have provided here is merely an explanation of manual update.

          Right now, there is a plan in place to help you and your errors are still being diagnosed.

          On permanent hiatus {with backup and coffee}
          offline▸ Win10Pro 2004.19041.572 x64 i3-3220 RAM8GB HDD Firefox83.0b3 WindowsDefender
          offline▸ Acer TravelMate P215-52 RAM8GB Win11Pro 22H2.22621.1265 x64 i5-10210U SSD Firefox106.0 MicrosoftDefender
          online▸ Win11Pro 22H2.22621.1992 x64 i5-9400 RAM16GB HDD Firefox116.0b3 MicrosoftDefender
          1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2110233

      Turn off Fast Startup if it’s on. Control Panel\Power Options\Choose what the Power buttons do. You may have to click on “Change settings that are not available”

      In Services.msc verify that Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), Cryptographic Service, and Windows Update Service are NOT set to “Disabled.”

      If you don’t find anything in Group Policy, the next step will be to reset Windows

      Resetting Windows Update may erase the Update History. It does not remove the installed updates list.
      These are the instructions for resetting Windows Update. As you go through the commands, it is important to note if they report successful or not. Services that are not turned on may report they can’t be turned off for that reason, please take note. Also note if the Services do or don’t turn back on.
      When you finish, please verify the folders SoftwareDistribution.0126 and Catroot2.0126 exist.

      In an elevated Command Prompt, enter each of these commands one at a time. You can copy/paste them at the prompt.
      net stop wuauserv
      net stop cryptSvc
      net stop bits
      net stop msiserver
      Ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.0126
      Ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 Catroot2.0126
      net start wuauserv
      net start cryptSvc
      net start bits
      net start msiserver

      Restart (not shut down/startup) the computer.
      If the above was successful (and the Services restarted), once the computer has finished startup operations, retry this, otherwise let me know the results from above:

      + Open an elevated Command Prompt
      Run DISM /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
      Did it find/correct any errors?
      If DISM was successful this time rerun sfc
      Run SFC /scannow
      Did it find/correct any errors?

      Let me know the outcome.

      • #2110334

        Results below, in order, numbered. And again many thanks for taking so much time to help me.

        1. OK, before we go any further, Open Group Policy, Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components. Under Windows Update and Windows Update for Business, look through anything that is not default and see if you have any settings disabling Windows Update. Be sure it is NOT turned off/disabled anywhere.
          • All settings under Windows Update and Windows Update for Business are set to Not Configured.
        2. Turn off Fast Startup if it’s on. Control Panel\Power Options\Choose what the Power buttons do. You may have to click on “Change settings that are not available”
          • Done
        3. In msc verify that Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), Cryptographic Service, and Windows Update Service are NOT set to “Disabled.”
          • BITS and Cryptographic Service are enabled and running.
          • Windows Update Service is disabled and I cannot enable it. That is the problem for which I started this thread. If I select any of the startup types in Properties, I can start the service, but it still shows Disabled in startup type; it will never save the selection I make, even though clicking the Apply button appears to save it in the Properties dialog. The service runs for only a few seconds then stops.
        4. These are the instructions for resetting Windows Update. As you go through the commands, it is important to note if they report successful or not. Services that are not turned on may report they can’t be turned off for that reason, please take note. Also note if the Services do or don’t turn back on.
          When you finish, please verify the folders 0126 and Catroot2.0126 exist.

          • 0126 and Catroot2.0126 exist. After rebooting the catroot2 folder was recreated but the SoftwareDistribution folder was not.
        5. In an elevated Command Prompt, enter each of these commands one at a time. You can copy/paste them at the prompt.
          • net stop wuauserv Result: The Windows Update Service is not started. See 3 above.
            net stop cryptSvc Result: The Cryptographic Services service is stopping. The Cryptographic Services service was stopped successfully.
            net stop bits Result: The Background Intelligent Transfer Service service is not started.
            net stop msiserver Result: The Windows Installer service is not started.
            Ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.0126 Done
            Ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2 Catroot2.0126 Done
            net start wuauserv Result: System error 1058 has occurred. The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it. This is the error that I initially posted about.
            net start cryptSvc Started.
            net start bits Started.
            net start msiserver Started.
        6. Restart (not shut down/startup) the computer. Done.
          If the above was successful (and the Services restarted), once the computer has finished startup operations, retry this, otherwise let me know the results from above.

          • Windows Update Service is still disabled, and I cannot enable it; when I try, I receive the same 1058 error noted above.
        7. + Open an elevated Command Prompt
          Run DISM /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
          Did it find/correct any errors?

          • DISM gets the same 1058 error, pasted below:

        C:\WINDOWS\system32>DISM /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

        Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool

        Version: 10.0.17763.1

        Image Version: 10.0.17763.615

        [===========================85.9%=================         ]

        Error: 1058

        The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.

        The DISM log file can be found at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log


      • #2110343

        I have tried twice to reply with the results but neither one posted. This time I’m attaching a Word document with the information; maybe the reply is too long to be accepted?

      • #2110345

        The short result: I completed all tasks successfully except starting Windows Update Service. I still receive error 1058 when I try to. The service shows Disabled in services.msc and I am unable to enable it, no matter what combination I try.

        • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by bmshulman.
        • #2110351

          OK, I just found your posts in the spam bucket. Give me a minute to process the information

    • #2110355

      OK, one last attempt at repairs.
      Settings\Update & Security\Troubleshoot\Windows Update – run the troubleshooter.

      • #2110360

        I’ve run the troubleshooter many times. It does nothing and gives no messages at all.

    • #2110347

      You have already tried the “windows update troubleshooter” correct?

      • #2110357

        Oops, I was just going ther as a last ditch effort to repair.

    • #2110376

      Before you go any farther, I suggest you make a full disk image of the machine and a separate file backup of your user data.

      If it were mine, I would then do an in-place upgrade, choosing to save programs and data.
      You can get the Media Creation Tool downloaded from MS. That will give you v1909.
      Woody recommends v1903. The ISO for 1903 can be obtained by downloading from Heidoc. Mount it and run setup.exe – take it offline before you start.

      The other option, is see if someone else here has other ideas for a fix.

      • #2110406

        I am sorry! I wasted all of your valuable time. I’m so embarrassed. I just realized that quite some time ago I installed StopUpdates 10, which of course was doing what I told it to do. Once I shut it off, updates are even now processing.

        You have all been so helpful and spent so much time trying to help me and it was all stupid user error. Please forgive me.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2110413

          OK, I’m on Windows 7, but I’m curious: does anyone know what StopUpdates10 does in order to prohibit Windows Update Service from being started?

        • #2110416

          Have you used any third-party update blockers?

          That was one of the first questions. 🙂
          Well, consider it a lesson learned.
          Just part of what goes on here.
          If you have any more problems, just ask. That’s what AskWoody is here for.

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          • #2110418

            Yes, indeed, that is the most embarrassing part. But thank you again.

            • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by bmshulman.
        • #2694922

          Note: I did not have any “StopUpdate” running. So it was a genuine help this thread with all the details that I could check. So don’t feel bad if the origin was a USER ERROR 🙂 It still helped me. No energy was wasted here. Well, .. maybe mine. Wished I had found this thread a year ago 😛

    • #2110386

      I’ve run into the same problem as you and tried practically everything listed above. Tweaking.com’s Windows Repair finally did the trick for me. The free version has the functions needed to fix everything involved in WU. Scroll down a little below the “Buy” options at the top of the page, and there are three mirrors you can download it from. I hope it works for you!


      • #2694919

        LIFESAVER! I’ve been updating offline with WSUS offline and other sorts of tools for a year! But Tweaking.com’s Windows Repair fixed the auto windows update.

        I have tried all sorts of reg-fixes and the elevated prompt stuff too. Used the MS WU fix wizards, resetted firewalls, protocol stacks,… nothing! But I just used the free version, ran all sorts of fixes related to win update (and some others too) and now it works like new 🙂

        I did not want to reinstall; wish granted 🙂

    • #2342138

      same problem right now and none of the solutions above work

      • #2342146

        Try a repair install of Windows, keeping your data and apps. That usually cleans up oddities.

        cheers, Paul

      • #2342189

        an in-place upgrade repair install of Windows is a very good option when the sfc /scannow command fails to repair system files

    • #2396330

      Omg… I had never installed any third party update blockers, and yet that same StopUpdate was enabled in my services… Thanks for pointing it out or I would have never found it. Cheers

      • #2610941

        same here!! i never downloaded any update blockers but somehow i have the same StopUpdate 10 in my services. thanks for pointing it out, i was going crazy trying to fix this

    • #2700083

      How do I force an Update on Windows 10?


      Edition Windows 10 Pro
      Version 22H2
      Installed on ‎2/‎27/‎2021
      OS build 19045.4529
      Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19058.1000.0

      I see that several updates have started downloading, but are at various percentages of download.  Maybe I have had the the updates paused too long.


      Any help appreciated.

      • #2700086

        Running WUMgr (a single executable that does not need to be installed) will allow you to control what is updated and when.

        cheers, Paul

      • #2700152

        How do I force an Update on Windows 10?

        I see that several updates have started downloading, but are at various percentages of download. Maybe I have had the the updates paused too long.

        Depending on your internet bandwidth (i.e. download speed) updates can sometimes take quite a while to finish fully downloading before Windows starts installing them.

        To forcibly install and a specific update, use the KB# and your Windows version & type (i.e. x86, x64 or ARM64) to search for it in the Microsoft Catalog and download and install it by clicking the downloaded file.


        That’s pretty much what the Windows update service does except it’s all automated and it grabs all pending updates.

        When manually downloaded, you get to pick which updates you want to download, where they’re saved, and when to install them!

        BTW, the WUmgr S/W @Paul T suggested is a half & half solution that allows you to manually decide exactly which updates to install, but then automatically downloads and installs them just like Windows update.

    • #2752475

      OMG. You have found the holy grail! So Microsoft can’t force an update on you? They can’t usurp your authority and alter your system without permission? Clone your system immediately and sell it to the millions of users who want security and privacy back.

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