… I’m reasonably sure that the EU is going to take Microsoft to task for excessive snooping in Win10. It’s highly unlikely they’ll try to take on Win7…
Oh! The upcoming privacy laws will have nothing to do with OSes… all that matters is, that if you collect any info on me or my behavior, you’ll have to tell me exactly which data – and where they “end”. Much more important to me is, that you can only collect, what I’ve allowed you to collect! And default answer is “no”, btw. In other words: unless I in advance say “yes” to allow you to collect anything, that means, you collect nothing. If you still collect anything, then just wait form the hammer to fall. The fines are not insignificant… so come May 25 2018.
It’s EU policies like this that drove England to Brexit. Worrying about privacy today is like a saltwater fish worrying about salt. Unless you’re willing to live in a cave (and even then you’ll probably be visible via Google Earth), privacy is a concept that belongs in a museum. It’s over. Let’s get on with our lives. Someone somewhere is recording this, maybe even as I type it.