• Open questions about the Win10 version 2004 upgrade

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    Susan has spotted the new Feature Update notification at the bottom of the Windows Update pane on her main machine: I still haven’t seen it on any of
    [See the full post at: Open questions about the Win10 version 2004 upgrade]

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    Viewing 40 reply threads
    • #2267464

      I installed v2004 yesterday. I never saw that notice. My settings were: GUI Feature deferrals=365 Quality deferrals=o, GP WU=enabled value=2 (notify d/l install), no Pause.

      I installed v2004 on one of my Win10 Pro VMs yesterday. Results are here #2267366.

      I am in the process of looking through the Registry and comparing before/after, but I believe the settings associated with the GUI settings that were there in v1909 are GONE in v2004. Don’t know if putting them back will work. The Before settings are in AKB2000016 #2177791.
      Here’s what they look like now – the After settings:



      • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by PKCano.
      • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by PKCano.
      4 users thanked author for this post.
      • #2267497

        Here’s what they look like now – the After settings:

        Can you explain what each of those registry screens is saying?

        • #2267498

          Off-topic for this thread.
          Make the comparison I suggest.
          If you have further questions, create a topic for your individual help.

      • #2267597

        Setting any deferral settings kills the OptionalInstallation updates (the “Download and install now” thing”

        2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2267469

      Good morning. I just checked my updates screen, noting that i’m still paused for updates through 14 June, but i do indeed have the same notification that Susan has seen on her machine — including the statement that my machine “isn’t quite ready” for the upgrade. My machine isn’t that old and has more than enough resources for Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, so i am left to speculate. Microsoft’s Windows “info” is once again useless. (I do not have the same experience with Azure, which is clearly built and maintained by a qualitatively different set of engineers.) I will follow your advice and hold off on this upgrade. Thank you!

    • #2267478


      I’ve got the same notification. It has appeared in the last 2 hours, while I was out.

      I have not searched for updates, merely looked to see if I had any 2004 related messages.

      Dell Inspiron 16 Plus 7640 Core Ultra 7 155H 32GB Win 11 Pro 23H2 (22631.4890)
      Dell Inspiron 15 7580 i7 16GB Win 11 pro 24H2 (26100.3194),
      Microsoft 365 Version 2502 (18526.20118)
      Location: UK

    • #2267481

      Running Windows 10 Pro x64 Ver1909 current thru April.

      My settings are: Window Update Advanced settings Feature deferrals=365 days,  Quality deferrals=0 days, GP WU=enabled value=2 (notify d/l install), no Pause, wushowhide.

      I did “Nothing” but open the Settings Window to visually check to see if there were any Defender Definitions to Download. There were none, but that Windows 2004 update notification was now there.

      My Advanced setting are still there and appear to be functional.

      Windows 10 Pro x64 v22H2 and Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 (RIP)
    • #2267482
      On permanent hiatus {with backup and coffee}
      offline▸ Win10Pro 2004.19041.572 x64 i3-3220 RAM8GB HDD Firefox83.0b3 WindowsDefender
      offline▸ Acer TravelMate P215-52 RAM8GB Win11Pro 22H2.22621.1265 x64 i5-10210U SSD Firefox106.0 MicrosoftDefender
      online▸ Win11Pro 22H2.22621.1992 x64 i5-9400 RAM16GB HDD Firefox116.0b3 MicrosoftDefender
      • #2268462

        All drivers appear to be up-to-date. I have a couple of working monitors in the hardware graveyard and may try a swap to see if there is a “worthiness” change.

        On permanent hiatus {with backup and coffee}
        offline▸ Win10Pro 2004.19041.572 x64 i3-3220 RAM8GB HDD Firefox83.0b3 WindowsDefender
        offline▸ Acer TravelMate P215-52 RAM8GB Win11Pro 22H2.22621.1265 x64 i5-10210U SSD Firefox106.0 MicrosoftDefender
        online▸ Win11Pro 22H2.22621.1992 x64 i5-9400 RAM16GB HDD Firefox116.0b3 MicrosoftDefender
        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2269598

          I swapped one monitor for another with no change in the message. There must be something only Microsoft artificial intelligence can determine.

          On permanent hiatus {with backup and coffee}
          offline▸ Win10Pro 2004.19041.572 x64 i3-3220 RAM8GB HDD Firefox83.0b3 WindowsDefender
          offline▸ Acer TravelMate P215-52 RAM8GB Win11Pro 22H2.22621.1265 x64 i5-10210U SSD Firefox106.0 MicrosoftDefender
          online▸ Win11Pro 22H2.22621.1992 x64 i5-9400 RAM16GB HDD Firefox116.0b3 MicrosoftDefender
    • #2267486

      I have now intentionally upgraded 3 Win10 Pro PC’s from 1909 to 2004.  Another PC where I asked to upgrade came up with Susan’s message.  It did not tell me why it refused to upgrade.  This was an AMD Ryzen X570 mobo but it uses Intel Thunderbolt, Intel Wi-Fi, and Intel Bluetooth.  If I had to guess, I’d say it was the Thunderbolt that was causing the upgrade refusal.

      I have come back every few hours for the last two days and tried to upgrade, but still get the same message.  Curiously, sometimes it shows the PC graphic along with the message and sometimes it just shows the message text but not the graphic.

      • #2267490

        I’m going to suggest something off-the-wall. May not work, but then, who knows.
        Be sure there are no deferrals or Pause set. And no metered connections.
        Run through the procedure in AKB2000013 to clear the update queue (even there is nothing showing to clear).
        After the reboot (and time for the computer to finish booting), set the WU Service back to manual, but DO NOT start the Service.
        Go to Windows Update and click “check for updates.”

        Let me know if this does any good.

      • #2267542

        Even though Windows 1909 update would not download the 2004 version for me, I just went to the Win10 Upgrade Tool web page and ran an update from there. There were no prompts about any incompatibilities. It installed 2004 and rebooted without any problems.

        This is a new PC sitting on my test bench, so I don’t mind taking a chance that something isn’t working properly. I don’t seem to have any of the known 2004 problems listed by MS, but I do have Intel Thunderbird3 hardware and my test PC uses an old Nvidia GTX 240 card with really old drivers.

        Also, on another PC, I ran the Media Creator 2004 tool to download a 2004 ISO. I used that to update another 1909 PC without any trouble. That one was an AMD X399 ThreadRipper system with Intel Wi-Fi but it does not have Intel Thunderbird. No problems have been observed, yet.

        These are TEST PC’s — I’m not suggesting everyone upgrade using my methods.

    • #2267488

      It hasn’t been pushed to my NAS yet, but my Update & Security screen looks normal.  My NAS has the same motherboard/CPU combo as my desktop (which I updated using the MCT-USB), so I’m sure it’s update-ready, it just hasn’t hit the queue for the update release yet.

      I’ll just wait, which is my usual procedure for my NAS and laptop.  My laptop already got the push and has the update installed.

      Always create a fresh drive image before making system changes/Windows updates; you may need to start over!
      We all have our own reasons for doing the things that we do with our systems; we don't need anyone's approval, and we don't all have to do the same things.
      We were all once "Average Users".

    • #2267499

      Last Monday the 25th I delayed my updates for over a month.

      This is what I woke up to this morning…

      2 users thanked author for this post.
      • #2267516

        Good. So that means the notification appears even if you have updates paused.

        I don’t have updates paused on either of my main 1909 machines, and I’m still not seeing the notification.


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        • #2267556

          I remember back in the late ’90s I had a Microsoft program that I was going to install via disc. I went through a few set up screens before coming to the ‘are you ready to install Yes or No’ screen. I reconsidered and said No. A few weeks later I discovered a hidden directory containing all of the program files, already pre-loaded, even though I had said No and cancelled the installation. The assumption being that I would automatically say Yes and everything would be ready to go.

          And although I doubt that Microsoft still does that today to any great degree, what with all those full disclosure progress bars and all, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the necessary files will still be stealth downloaded in the background, you know, for my convenience.

          Finally, some Vegas touts are saying five’ll get you ten that when my machine is ‘ready’ to go (whatever that means, considering that I have almost every Windows 10 program, er, application shut off except for browser; email; and Word, basically making it a stripped-down XP machine) that it will offered to me before my download pause expires on June 29th.

          Then again, as my parole office used to tell me: Never bet against the house. A lot she knew.

          1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2267596

          I believe the one responsible for the notification is the “UNP Campaign Manager”, which is controlled by this schedule task


          WaaSMedic service and WaaS Assessment (triggered by UpdateOrchestrator) also have effect

          if any of them are disabled or not working somehow, you won’t be assessed

          2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2267505

      Running Windows 10 Pro x64 Ver1909 current thru April on two DELL laptops.

      My settings are: GUI Feature deferrals=365 Quality deferrals=0, GP WU=enabled value=2 (notify d/l install), no Pause, wushowhide

      No WU notice yet about v2004. This is the only notice that I have at the moment: WU-screen-05-31-2020

      After installation of Defender, this is the WU screen:WU-update-screen-05-31-2020-after-Defender-installation

      After Defender installation, this is the WU History: WU-update-history-after-Defender-installation

      After Defender installation, this is wushowhide > hide updates (apparently, it’s a bit slow on the uptake, since .330 has already been installed):wushowhide-after-Defender-installation

      I understand this is a phased roll-out.  Maybe, I will be in a later phase.  (not that I want to install v2004 – just wondering if the machines are compatible).

      Looks like having Feature Update deferrals set to non-zero may be part of the equation,

      So, you have your Feature Update deferral set to 0??

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2267513

        V2004  is a Feature Update. It has been out 4 days.
        If you are deferring Feature Updates for 365 days, you will not be offered v2004.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2267529

          I must be missing something here. I thought the gist of some of these posts was that the availability of v2004 was ignoring the 1909 Feature Update setting. Susan at #2267268 says she had her FU deferral set to 180 days. Jayinalaska at #2267390 says he had his FU deferral set for 90 days. Tex265 at #2267178 says he had his set for 365 days. In each of these instances, they got the v2004 announcement.

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          • #2267537

            You might get the notice, but v2004 won’t be offered in WU.

            • #2267540

              As I said in my original post at #2267505

              (not that I want to install v2004 – just wondering if the machines are compatible).

              which is what the v2004 announcement will say, if they are not.

              So, if I don’t get the announcement, does that mean that the laptops ARE compatibile with v2004??
              I realize that I won’t get the offer to download, due to the fact that GP = 2 notify dl/install and the FU is set to 365 days, but my question is about the incompatibility announcement.

              1 user thanked author for this post.
          • #2267544

            I must be missing something here. I thought the gist of some of these posts was that the availability of v2004 was ignoring the 1909 Feature Update setting.

            I don’t think at this point the concern is Windows ignoring the Feature Update deferral setting, but why we are receiving a Windows 2004 notice at all.

            In the past, with the Feature Update deferral set to other than 0 days, the user would not receive anything regarding an upcoming Feature Update – not even the newer but separate download and install link.

            I think Woody was wondering if some of us were receiving this new 2004 notification (and not the separate download and install link) “because” we had Feature Update deferral set to more than zero (0) days (eg: Windows 2004 won’t provide the download and install link, but will provide a notification flag).

            Now why it is telling us we are not 2004 Worthy is still to be answered. @Alex5723  is pointing to the problem areas that 2004 are/will be presenting, but I don’t have any of those potential problem areas on my system and I’m still not Worthy!

            Windows 10 Pro x64 v22H2 and Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 (RIP)
            3 users thanked author for this post.
            • #2267550

              I don’t think at this point the concern is Windows ignoring the Feature Update deferral setting,

              Well, THAT is precisely one of MY concerns. I had assumed that the Feature Deferral would work in v2004 in the same way it seems to be working in v1909.

              Apparently, it is not.

              And the other concern is that if you don’t ever get the incompatibility announcement, what with the 1909 FU deferral set > 0, does that mean your machine is compatibile (let’s say you reduce the 1909 FU deferral to 0)? In other words, this announcement lets you know whether or not your laptop is compatible (if it is not, you get the announcement and if is, you don’t get the announcement, if you have FU > 0). And this is independent of whether you have a GP setting or not.

              1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #2267558

              It’d be great if that were the case – seeing or not seeing the announcement would tell you something about the readiness of your machine.

              Alas, I don’t think it works that way.

              1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #2267560

              Apparently, it is not.

              Again, whether Windows 2004 will change the way Feature Update deferral works is yet to be determined.

              For now why are we, with v1909 and Feature Update deferral set at >0 receiving ANY type notice of Windows 2004?

              And the other concern is that if you don’t ever get the incompatibility announcement, what with the 1909 FU deferral set > 0, does that mean your machine is compatibile

              Don’t thinks this has been determined by anyone here yet.

              Lets ask if anyone who has their Feature Update deferral set to 0 days – do you receive what has been the standard notice that Windows 2004 is available with the separate Download and install link?

              Windows 10 Pro x64 v22H2 and Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 (RIP)
              2 users thanked author for this post.
            • #2267562

              I set my Feature deferral to 2 in 1909 and got the Feature Update v2004 (via “check for updates”) through the Windows Update queue.

              1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #2267564

              So you clicked the “Check for Updates” button which downloaded and installed v2004?

              Or, did you received the standard notification that v2004 was available with the Download and install link block?

              Any idea what would have happened if you didnt click the “Check for Updates” button and just let the Windows Updater do its normal automatic update check cycle?

              Windows 10 Pro x64 v22H2 and Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 (RIP)
              2 users thanked author for this post.
            • #2267565

              I never saw the notice.
              I set Feature deferrals to 2 days
              2004 showed up in wushowhide as available.
              I checked for updates
              Clicking “check for updates” starts the download/install process.
              If I had waited for WU to check on it’s own, I would have gotten the “Download” button first.

              1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #2267580

              Then this sounds like the New Feature Download and install screen introduced in 1903 and 1909 is no longer functioning as it was wherein it gave the user a separate Feature Update screen with the separate Download and install link at your time and convenience.

              Windows 10 Pro x64 v22H2 and Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 (RIP)
              1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #2267581

              You don’t get that screen it you use deferrals.

              3 users thanked author for this post.
            • #2267588

              Let’s say that
              1. you lower the FU deferral setting to 0
              2. you check wushowhide and you find it in the queue.
              3. You wait for WU to do its thing according to its own schedule (i.e., you do not click on “Check for Updates”)
              4. You eventually get the “Download” button. Then, if you have changed your mind about downloading it, do you have two choices?
              a. You can let it sit there on the WU display until you decide to click on the “Download” button?
              b. You can use wushowhide to hide it and then unhide it when you are ready to install?

              I am asking because in the back of my mind I had thought that Feature Updates were not open to control via wushowhide.

              1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #2267590

              Increase the deferral button, it should go away the next time the computer checks.
              But you can reboot and run wushowhide just to be sure.

              1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #2267598


              you can try this to mimic WU self-search without initiating the downloading

              reboot computer first

              1 user thanked author for this post.
            • #2268411

              You don’t get that screen it you use deferrals

              That is how it has been working.  With my FU deferral at 365 days I have never seen that separate Download and install screen link.

              So we are back to the original question here – Why are we/am I seeing this new Windows 2004 notification screen with a FU deferral at 365 days?

              A Feature Upgrade should not be bothering with me at all with that setting indicating no interest in receiving for a long time.

              Windows 10 Pro x64 v22H2 and Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 (RIP)
    • #2267511

      It seems that any of the 2004 known issues (Realtek BT, Conexant ISST audio drivers, TB3 docks, aksfridge.sys or aksdf.sys, old Nvidia drivers, Kernel DMA Protection enabled, Windows Hypervisor Platform disabled, Always Connected…) on a PC will block the upgrade.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2267517

        That’s to be expected.

      • #2267563

        but I don’t have any of those potential problem areas on my system and I’m still not Worthy!

        Windows 10 Pro x64 v22H2 and Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 (RIP)
    • #2267522

      Good. So that means the notification appears even if you have updates paused.

      I don’t have updates paused on either of my main 1909 machines, and I’m still not seeing the notification.


      It takes some time to scan 1 Billion Windows 10 PCs for compatibility 🙂

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2267530

      Just got the incompatibility screen.
      Feature update deferrals = 365. Quality Updates deferrals = 21.
      Notify don’t download/install = 2.

      Lenovo Legion Y530. Windows 10 1909 April patches.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2267604

        When win10 was first offered, my Lenovo E545 Thinkpad would NOT complete install . Didn’t say why either! Tried several times. That gave me the heads up that wind0ws10 and Lenovo were going to have a long arduous and contentious relationship!

        Win7 Pro was installed and current.

        Ah the good ole days!!

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by DriftyDonN. Reason: correction
    • #2267545

      Susan has spotted the new Feature Update notification at the bottom of the Windows Update pane on her main machine: I still haven’t seen it on any of
      [See the full post at: Open questions about the Win10 version 2004 upgrade]

      It will be interesting to see what’s in Windows’ “bag of updates” for this coming Tuesday( June 2nd.) and on June 9th. I have a feeling that AMD-based PC’s and Lenovo are pretty far down on their 2004 rollout list…  Glad to see I’m not alone on this issue.  Thanks Susan.



      • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by GCG1000. Reason: Spelling
    • #2267547

      All but one of my machines started a ‘getting ready to install…’, got to 90% and then errored out – perhaps because I have domain group policy to prevent Feature Updates. Didn’t click on anything, the process just started when I went to the ‘Windows Update’ settings page.

      I have all of my computer upgraded now by using an ISO. Two only upgraded successfully by NOT seeking updates before the upgrade (both hp workstations black screened on reboot). One HAD to have the update done as part of the upgrade as it had a boot error and rolled back on the first try. So, if one way doesn’t work, try the other.

      All is fine except for the Trim and DISM issues. I always run a chkdsk /f on C drive after an upgrade as it will cleanup 1,700 to 2,000 ‘marked as used’ entries.

    • #2267555

      I have a feeling that AMD-based PC’s and Lenovo are pretty far down on their 2004 rollout list…

      This has nothing to do with rollout list. It has to do with some hardware/drivers… 2004 compatibility. My Intel Lenovo Y530 has Realtek Bluetooth adapter and I use BT dongle for my Logitech mouse.

    • #2267557

      I have a feeling that AMD-based PC’s and Lenovo are pretty far down on their 2004 rollout list…

      This has nothing to do with rollout list. It has to do with some hardware/drivers… 2004 compatibility. My Intel Lenovo Y530 has Realtek Bluetooth adapter and I use BT dongle for my Logitech mouse.

      OK, thanks for your input.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2267559

      On 4 machines with Windows 10 Pro 1909 with the following settings:
      Feature deferrals=0, Quality deferrals=8 in GUI the below had occurred:

      On a Dell Inspiron 5477 – Windows 10 2004 had installed automatically. The following issue happened after an update: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000056299/memory-and-storage.html

      On a Lenovo Thinkpad T560 – the “incompatibility” message had appeared in Windows Update (most likely due to “GameInput Redistributable” being installed; after uninstalling and running Windows Update Assistant – the update went through)

      On an old Sony Vaio laptop (Intel Core i3 + AMD Radeon) – it installed automatically.

      On an old HP Laptop with Intel Core + NVIDIA GeForce – the “incompatibility” message had appeared in Windows Update (most likely due to old GeForce drivers)

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2267561

      BTW, a few days ago (as an experiment), I upgraded to 2004 using the Upgrade Assistant.  The install was smooth and everything worked, with the exception of Sleep/Wake function in 2004.  It turned out that the only way to fully wake-up Windows was a Restart, which is unacceptable.  I restored 1909 and have had no problems since.  After restoring 1909 my PC was updated with the latest AMD graphic drivers, so I’m temped to try my “experiment” again.  Your thoughts would be appreciated.

      My PC’s profile appears below.

      SIV64X – System Information Viewer V5.48 DESKTOP-4L8GH8L::gcgri

      Windows 10 x64 Home V10.00 Build 18363 19H2 Lenovo F0EM0003US DESKTOP-4L8GH8L::gcgri English (0409) United States (1) Eastern Daylight Time Base Priority 8 (Single User) BIOS O4AKT25A 07/12/2019 CPU µCode 2018-08-13 (08108102) AGESA Combo-AM4
      Workgroup WORKGROUP 00 08:46:53 2020-05-31 16:07:26 [2.66GHz Dual DDR4 RAM] PCIe FSB:DRAM 3:40

      Resource Usage 50% [1] 42% Current Maximum DDR4 RAM CAS Latency (tCL) 20
      System Physical Memory 4.22GB 438.66MB 8.00GB RAS to CAS Delay (tRCD) 19
      System Paging File 4.52GB 4.35GB 8.87GB RAS Precharge (tRP) 19
      System File Cache 3.48GB 303.65MB 3.78GB Cycle Time (tRAS) 43
      System Power Usage 14.56 W 5.99 W 33.16 W Row Refresh Cycle Time (tRFC)467 1T

      Cores 4 Chips 1 Disks 37°C DIMMs 4GB 4GB

      Sensor ITE IT8712 MB 35°C 39°C I/O +3.35 SIO +1.89 +4.49 VBAT +2.24

      Processor FSB 7.2% CPU Utilisation Volts Temp Power APIC Socket AM4 PGA-1331 AMD Ryzen 3 3200GE Radeon Vega (Picasso) [PCO-B1]
      CPU-0 2.82GHz x28.25 99.8MHz U 2% K 2% D 1% I 1% 1.11 38°C 0.104 0.0.0 Technology 12nm x64 Family 23 Model 24 (18) Stepping 1 Revision 08108102 Brand 2
      CPU-1 2.82GHz x28.25 99.8MHz U 2% K 6% 0.91 0.186 0.1.0 TDP 4.4 W Cores 4 AMD Ryzen 3 3200GE with Radeon Vega Graphics
      CPU-2 2.82GHz x28.25 99.8MHz U 2% K 6% 1.11 0.176 0.2.0 L1 Code Cache 4-way 64-byte 4 x 64KB Core 1.72 volts
      CPU-3 2.82GHz x28.25 99.8MHz U 3% K 4% 1.18 0.161 0.3.0 L1 Data Cache 8-way 64-byte 4 x 32KB Temp 36.0°C
      Memory GPU 3.5% GPU Utilisation SOC CLK L2 Unified Cache 8-way 64-byte 4 x 512KB
      GPU-0 933MHz 18.0MHz Activity 3.5 % 1.19 36°C 199MHz L3 Unified Cache (4) 16-way 64-byte 1 x 4MB Power 3.66 Watts
      [Cache-0 Latency] [MMX+ SSE4.2 XD SVM AVX2] NB Clock 1.33GHz

      [ OK ] [ Copy] [Windows] [Machine] [Status] [USB Bus] [Network] [ SPD ] [Volumes] [ Wi-Fi] [PCI Bus] [ About] [ Help]

    • #2267570

      I just did a clean install (MBR) using 2004 Prox64 from a Media Creator download. Install went fine, Device Manager shows no problems, activated OK. It seems to run OK but I’ve not installed much or used it extensively.
      What I did notice is in Windows Update I now only have [Pause Updates], kind of like Home version.
      [Choose when updates are installed] is gone.  Is this the new normal….again?
      Is there anyway to get it back?
      I do know about [gpedit]. That’s kind of a techie headache for me. I can use it if I have the options cheat sheet right in front of me.  [Choose updates…..] is simple and seems to work OK.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by firstmerk.
      • #2267572

        The GUI setting pulldowns for deferrals are gone, not just in the GUI, but the Registry settings for it as well.
        Looks like the only way to have deferrals now (in Pro only) is the settings in Group Policy under Windows Update for Business. Otherwise, it would seem Pro is stuck with just Pause outside of Group Policy.

        3 users thanked author for this post.
        • #2267584

          Can anyone who has Windows 10/Pro use the Group Policy under Windows Update for Business?

        • #2267594

          The GUI setting pulldowns for deferrals are gone, not just in the GUI, but the Registry settings for it as well.

          What about using wushowhide in v2004 to hide the 2004, Fall Feature Update, when it becomes available and is in the WU update queue. And then unhide it when you are ready to install it?

          I know that v2004, Fall Feature Update probably will not be available until November, 2020 (if MS follows the same pattern as the 2019 Feature Update calendar), but I am wondering if wushowhide can be used, now that the deferrals are gone. As a matter of fact, I am using wushowhide that way now for Quality Updates, since my QU deferral is 0.

        • #2268414

          Sounds like an exact re-occurance of what happened when 1909 arrived.

          Is it intentional or by accidental omission?

          Windows 10 Pro x64 v22H2 and Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 (RIP)
    • #2267589

      Re Windows update to 2004, the Microsoft Update Catalog still shows it as pre-release for the Insider Fast Ring.

    • #2267591

      What concerns me the most are the very infrequent mentions of 2004 being installed without a click on the “Download and install” link.

      Woody, I just had this happen on a Windows 10 1909 Pro machine (latest patches installed). Probably due to some sort of bug in Windows update.

      Initially I had all deferrals set to 0 days. No matter how many times I checked for updates the feature update was showing as unavailable. No domain, the only local group policy I had set was to not wake my machine to install updates.

      I kept hearing “phased rollout,” so I was patient. But this seemed unlikely to last until today. So as an experiment, I changed my feature update deferral setting from 0 to 1, and clicked check for updates. And bingo, Windows Update found 2004 and started installing it without the “download and install” prompt.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2267595

      As most or at least MANY of us(Woody?) have not installed the May patch Tuesday release,and the Jun release is on the horizon,  isn’t this thread way out ahead of itself ? Just skip over May with it’s issues and  skip June without even a look? Or is June already in the dumper as far as msft is concerned? Woody ALMOST addressed May issues, but we are still at defcon2.

    • #2267610

      So it seems upgrading from Home to Pro would be spitting into the wind? This lapptop (acer) is pro but I have another I was considering upgrading to pro. But if it’s just going to have the ability to delay w/ pause……and not group edit….hmmm… am not at all familiar w/ windows business setting or if it’s even pertinent to me.

      Moderator note: Edited for content.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by DriftyDonN. Reason: correction
    • #2268209

      Had some oddities in getting my Windows 10 1909 updated somewhat similar to what poster #2267591 mentioned. I however, had group policy (GP) set to option 2 for Windows Updates and GP Windows Update for Business set to zero days for both feature and quality updates.  Was a bit behind in updating, since I had not used the PC for a few months. Was offered May’s .NET and MSRT, the 2004 feature update, but not the May 2020 cumulative update. Had my iso ready to upgrade to 2004, but wanted to fully update before installing the feature update. I tried numerous times checking for updates/rebooting trying to get May 2020 cumulative update. I saw a message in Windows Updates that my system was not up to date (which was correct). Changed the settings in GP Windows Update for Business from enabled \zero days for both feature and quality updates to disabled for both. After rebooting and checking again for updates, the May 2020 cumulative update appeared.

      My questions. Am I correct to make sure 1909 is updated fully prior to installing the feature update for 2004? Why would I be offered the feature update and not the most current cumulative quality update even though GP business windows update was set to zero days for both quality and feature updates?

    • #2268212

      Is it possible that Windows 2004 is on a timer where the message is shown until Microsoft determines it’s time for you to receive this update? In other words,  is it possible there’s not a problem with your computer, but Microsoft is just staggering releases?


      On permanent hiatus {with backup and coffee}
      offline▸ Win10Pro 2004.19041.572 x64 i3-3220 RAM8GB HDD Firefox83.0b3 WindowsDefender
      offline▸ Acer TravelMate P215-52 RAM8GB Win11Pro 22H2.22621.1265 x64 i5-10210U SSD Firefox106.0 MicrosoftDefender
      online▸ Win11Pro 22H2.22621.1992 x64 i5-9400 RAM16GB HDD Firefox116.0b3 MicrosoftDefender
    • #2268217

      Just checked my PC and sure enough the feature update notice was there.

      “Feature update to Windows 10, version 2004.  The Windows 10 May 2020 Update is on its way. We’re offering this update to compatible devices, but your device isn’t quite ready for it. Once your device is ready, you’ll see the update available on this page. There’s nothing you need to do at this time.”

      Computer – HP ENVY desktop – 795 – 005:

      • Microprocessor Intel Core i7 – 8700 @3.20 GHz;
      • System memory 16 GB;
      • Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060; and
      • Audio Andrea PureAudio USB.

      All hardware drivers are current as per HP, Nvidia, and Intel.

      Microsoft operating system:

      • Windows 10 Pro 64 – bit; Version 1903;
      • OS build 18362.778; and
      • Last Quality Updates May 7, 2020.

      Windows Update Advanced options:

      • Receive updates for other Microsoft products when you update Windows – off;
      • Download updates over metered connection – off;
      • Restart this device as soon as possible when a restart is required to install an update – off
      • Show a notification when your PC requires a restart to finish updating – on
      • Pause updates;
        • Feature updates deferred 365 days;
        • Quality updates deferred for 30 days.
    • #2268232

      Is it possible that Windows 2004 is on a timer where the message is shown until Microsoft determines it’s time for you to receive this update?

      Doesn’t seem so. It is clear that there are compatibility issues with many PCs.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2268236

      Can anyone who has Windows 10/Pro use the Group Policy under Windows Update for Business?


      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2268376

      What about using wushowhide in v2004 to hide the 2004, Fall Feature Update, when it becomes available and is in the WU update queue

      Yes, that should work using group policy windows updates set to option 2 (notify d/l install) with Win 10 Pro. The 2004 feature update was in my update queue and I hid it to only install the other updates. I experienced some oddities (mentioned in post 2268209). Sometimes oddities occur, but the GP setting of Windows Updates Option 2 (notify d/l install) has never failed me.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2268385

      To further clarify my question:

      Good Day,

      From what has been posted here, you do NOT have to download the new version if the notice appears when the computer checks on it’s own for updates.

      I have deferred the updates until 6/15/20 for May as we were waiting for the all clear from Woody.

      Today we have all clear Defcon 4.

      If I check for May updates, will the Win10 v2004 be optional to install or can I defer it.

      I have W10 1909 Home.


      Win 10 Home 22H2

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Win7and10.
      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #2268388

        All you have to do is end Pause and you will get the May Patch Tuesday updates.
        DO NOT click on “check for updates.”
        You will not get v2004.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #2268468

          Thanks PKCano,

          How do I safely end pause?
          Is it resume updates but not check for updates?

          Win 10 Home 22H2

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Win7and10.
    • #2268443

      Win7and10- Thanks for your response. I’ll defer installing 2004 until it appears in WU.


    • #2268456

      This morning when I saw Defcon 4, I started updating with 2 of my Desktops and all went well. There was no 2004 warning/message on either Desktop (and there still isn’t).

      Then I fired up my HP ProBook 450 G2 laptop (settings are all the same on all computers, FU=365 days). Only the HP laptop has the 2004 message in WU. Makes me wonder if it is an OEM thing?


      Don't take yourself so seriously, no one else does 🙂
      All W10 Pro at 22H2,(2 Desktops, 1 Laptop).

      • #2268460

        Forgot to mention that all Desktops are home built.

        Don't take yourself so seriously, no one else does 🙂
        All W10 Pro at 22H2,(2 Desktops, 1 Laptop).

    • #2268467

      Received it across a myriad of systems this weekend. Mostly Dells with feature updates 365 and quality updates 15-24 days. For the heck of it, I upgraded my workstation,with the notice, by iso this am. Everything working fine except the stupid issue with the network icon saying no internet, when I am in fact connected, and of course, the missing deferral settings in updates.

    • #2268472

      Thanks for your update.

    • #2268477


      1. Windows 10 Home v1909 64Bit (OS Build 18363.836) laptop.
      2. System Up-to-date with Patch May 2020 CU KB 4556799 & Intel Microcode Update KB 4497165 back in mid-May 2020 or so.
      3. Pause was set until 27Jun2020 then.
      4. Hit resume from Windows Update today just to find out whether the Win 10 May 2020 Upgrade is available. Internet connection set as “metered”.
      5. Windows Update starts its run and then presented : (a) You’re up to date . Last checked : today , time . “Check for updates” button below it and (b) Feature Update to Windows, version 2004. The next version of Windows is available with new features and security improvements. When you are ready for the update , select “Download and install’. The “Download and install” button is just below that. No auto upgrade was performed by Windows Update.
    • #2268775

      My May update on 13 May went fine on my vanilla hardware system.

      But today someone put sugar in my pea soup and salt in my vanilla. I got the same somewhat insulting message that annoyed Susan.

      Oh well, let’s hope patience will suffice to appease Saint Byte.

      1 Desktop Win 11
      1 Laptop Win 10
      Both tweaked to look, behave and feel like Windows 95
      (except for the marine blue desktop, rgb(0, 3, 98)
    • #2268830

      woody & Susan

      check out this recent article from Softpedia news – “Why the Windows 10 May 2020 Update Not Available On Day One Is Actually a Good Thing”

      good explanation in the article by Bogdan Popa

      3 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2268922

      Just sitting here killing some time so I went to Windows 10 update and clicked on “Learn more” under the “Feature update to Windows 10, version 2004”.

      The link  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/release-information/status-windows-10-2004  took me to the Windows 10, version 2004 and Windows Server, version 2004 webpage that contains an extensive list of known issues associated with the update as well as two articles – “What is new for IT pros” and “Wondering how to deploy feature updates remotely?”.

      It is an interesting read.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2269000

      Well, I have the update on my computer for Windows 10 2004, and says download and install in the feature update.

      Is there anyway to ignore this or defer this?

      I will not be downloading and installing right now.

      Win 10 Home 22H2

      • #2269242

        We do not recommend updating to 2004 yet, especially if your PC is running happily at present.

        cheers, Paul

    • #2269007

      Addendum: I resumed updates for the May Updates Win 10 Home and all went well so far.

      After they installed I paused updates again into to July to avoid the June updates.

      When I did this, the feature update for Win 10 2004 also paused.

      Win 10 Home 22H2

    • #2269835

      I have not seen the 2004 upgrade being offered on any of the laptops in my household yet.

      I will note, however, that I’ve seen the upgrade being offered on a Windows 10 Pro v1909 virtual machine running in VirtualBox on my MacBook Pro. Obviously I have not installed it (I need that virtual machine for work), but it’s something I’ve noticed. I have not been pushed into installing it.

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