• List Box (2000)


    Is there a way to limit a list box to cells that have not already been selected. Ex:

    list box in A:A is linked to D1:D4 (contents a,b,c,d). If someone selects “a” in the list box, how can we prevent them from selecting it a second time?

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    • #866340

      I don’t understand. Do you really mean a list box? Nothing really changes if the user selects the same value again, does it?

      • #867037

        Basically something along the lines of what’s in the attachment. Where the choices in the validation list box in column A are limited to only the values in column C which do not contain blank text.

        • #867049

          What you refer to is not called a list box, but a dropdown list, or perhaps a combo box. Henc my confusion.

          But I am sorry, I don’t know how to do what you want.

        • #867050

          What you refer to is not called a list box, but a dropdown list, or perhaps a combo box. Henc my confusion.

          But I am sorry, I don’t know how to do what you want.

        • #867145

          The only way I can imagine doing it is to create the comboboxes all individually. Each one when selected would check the master list and only add the items “available” for selecting to the list (via code)

          The problem is that once all the items have been selected, none of them could be changed since there would be nothing new to select, though you could add a button to “reset” them all.


        • #867146

          The only way I can imagine doing it is to create the comboboxes all individually. Each one when selected would check the master list and only add the items “available” for selecting to the list (via code)

          The problem is that once all the items have been selected, none of them could be changed since there would be nothing new to select, though you could add a button to “reset” them all.


        • #867214

          You could delete the cell containing the value selected so that next time it will be missing from the validation list. The Worksheet Change event can be employed here. I think using named ranges might be best and in the following example I have named Range A2:A13 as Inputs and C2:C13 as SelectList. This range would just hold the values (no need for countif formulas). The following code (no error checking included) should then take care of the validation list :

              Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
                  If Not Intersect(Target, [Inputs]) Is Nothing Then
                      [SelectList].Find(Target.Text, LookIn:=xlValues).Delete
                  End If
              End Sub

          I attach an amended version of your workbook with this implemented.

          You will of course need to re-engineer the original list should you need to reset.

          Andrew C

          • #867233

            If you type in the item the it works fine. But if you use the pick list to select (as many people might) the data validation does not trigger a change event and it does not work.

            I think you could do an approach like this, but use the comboboxes and not validation. I do not think there is any real good way to “capture the validation event”.


            • #867259


              It works fine for me with both XL 2000 and XL 2002.

              What version of XL did you try it on ?

              I would agree however that the use ComboBox(es) would be a better choice.

              Andrew C

            • #867263

              I only use XL97.

              In XL97 (presumably this was changed in later versions) when you select from a datavalidation list, the change event does not get triggered.


            • #867264

              I only use XL97.

              In XL97 (presumably this was changed in later versions) when you select from a datavalidation list, the change event does not get triggered.


            • #867260


              It works fine for me with both XL 2000 and XL 2002.

              What version of XL did you try it on ?

              I would agree however that the use ComboBox(es) would be a better choice.

              Andrew C

          • #867234

            If you type in the item the it works fine. But if you use the pick list to select (as many people might) the data validation does not trigger a change event and it does not work.

            I think you could do an approach like this, but use the comboboxes and not validation. I do not think there is any real good way to “capture the validation event”.


      • #867038

        Basically something along the lines of what’s in the attachment. Where the choices in the validation list box in column A are limited to only the values in column C which do not contain blank text.

    • #866341

      I don’t understand. Do you really mean a list box? Nothing really changes if the user selects the same value again, does it?

    • #868417

      What am I missing? Your example is working fine the way it is. Are you trying to do this using VBA?


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