• Jan 2020 MS Patches KB4537820 created a havoc on my laptop Wifi Connection.

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Windows » Windows 7 » Win7 beyond End-of-life » Jan 2020 MS Patches KB4537820 created a havoc on my laptop Wifi Connection.

    Hi All,
        I had successfully installed the license key on my Win 7 Pro Lenovo X Carbon, For some unknown reasons, the Jan 2020 MS Patches KB4537820 (after installed and rebooted my laptop) has created a havoc on the laptop Wifi Connection and left me with no choice but to uninstall it. Have anybody encounter such problem with Jan 2020 MS Patches KB4537820? If your answer is a firm “yes”, know of any resolution to it?
        BTW, will Feb 2020 MS Patches contain the Jan 2020 MS Patches KB4537820? Please revert and thank you.
    Best regards,
    Eddie Loh
    Viewing 17 reply threads
    • #2190631

      What license key? ESU?
      Created havoc how? Any errors reported?
      Why have you only just installed the January patch?

      cheers, Paul

    • #2190641

      Hi Paul,

      The license key is ESU for Win 7 Pro. For some unknown reasons, the WIFI connection on my laptop becomes very unstable with the Feb 2020 MS Patches KB4537820 installed. The WIFI connection on my laptop goes from ON or attached to my home ASUS Router and then OFF or WIFI disconnect automatically.

      Sorry I made a mistake. KB4537820 belong to Feb 2020 MS Patch NOT Jan 2020 MS Patch.

      Best regards,

      Eddie Loh

    • #2190659

      Install the patch and try these 2 things to reset the adapter.

      1. Open a Command Prompt as admin. Run these 2 commands. netsh int reset all and netsh winsock reset

      2. Delete your wireless adapter in Device Manager, reboot and let Windows reinstall it. Now reconnect the wireless.

      Is it now stable?

      cheers, Paul

    • #2190879

      Hi Paul,

      Done 1) and 2) as mentioned above but for some unknown reasons the WIFI connection problem persists with Feb 2020 MS Patch KB4537820 installed. No such problem showed up with Jan 2020 MS Patches installed. Sad to say there is no resolution from Lenovo Portal or latest WIFI adapter driver for Win 7 from Lenovo.

      Is there anything I can try on beside above-mentioned 1) and 2)? Is MS Patches for Win 7 accumulative which meant Mar 2020 patches will contain Feb 2020 patches?

      Thank you for answering my SOS call.

      Best regards,

      Eddie Loh

    • #2190950

      Have you tried “forgetting” the wireless connection and reconnecting?

      cheers, Paul

    • #2190956

      Done already but the problem persists.

      -Eddie Loh

    • #2191033

      Is there a later driver for the wireless chip from the manufacturer?

      cheers, Paul

    • #2191190

      I have downloaded and installed the latest WIFI driver (from V19.10.18.2 -> V9.10.21.1) from Intel Support. Sad to say the problem persists. BTW, “nets int reset all” command doesn’t work or run on my laptop but “netsh winsock reset” command request me to reboot my laptop after run.

      Looks like I have to give this Feb 2020 MS Patch KB4537820 a miss and pray that  I will not encounter the said problem in Mar 2020 MS Patch as I believe this type of patches are accumulative or inclusive of previous month patches.

      Thank you.

      -Eddie Loh


    • #2199827

      Try these commands:

      netsh int ipv4 reset
      netsh int ipv6 reset

      cheers, Paul

    • #2199829

      You can download the security only patches from the catalog site if you like.

      Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

    • #2207965

      Try these commands:

      netsh int ipv4 reset
      netsh int ipv6 reset

      cheers, Paul

      Tried but the problem persists. Thank you.

      -Eddie Loh

    • #2207966

      Feb 2020 MS Patch KB4537820

      Hi Susan Bradley Patch Lady,

      Are you aware or has anybody brought to your attention about problem with their WIFI connection after successfully applied Feb 2020 MS Patches KB4537820? If you answer is a “yes”, any resolution or suggestion to fix it?

      Thank you.

      Best regards,

      Eddie Loh

    • #2207975

      It may be a re-install to fix.
      Do you still have the original W7 install disk? If not see this article.

      cheers, Paul

    • #2208300

      Hi Paul & Susan Bradley,

      I’m thinking to move to  “Group B” Feb Security-Only patches which are not cumulative to resolve the current impasse. Will I encounter problem with my Win 7 Pro if I later decide to move to Group A Monthly Rollups which are cumulative?

      Please enlighten and thank you.

      Best regards,

      Eddie Loh


    • #2208301

      I assume you’ve rebooted your router at least a few times by now…

    • #2208303

      Will I encounter problem with my Win 7 Pro if I later decide to move to Group A Monthly Rollups

      Moving to roll ups will apply anything that is considered necessary. It doesn’t mean you won’t have problems.

      There really is nothing you can do to prevent issues except backup.

      cheers, Paul

      • #2208503

        I assume you’ve rebooted your router at least a few times by now…

        There is nothing wrong with the ASUS Router as I had rebooted it at least 5 times. The intermittent WIFI connectivity on my Win 7 Pro laptop occurs when I had successfully applied Feb 2020 MS Patches KB4537820. None of my other WIFI devices i.e. iPad Pro, iPhone and Mac have issue with WIFI connectivity.

        • #2208506

          Thanks. You hadn’t mentioned any network diagnostic work or the existence of any other networked devices.

          As any good mechanic will tell you, the problem presented by the complainant is often not the true problem. Just because you say it’s a Windows problem brought on by the application of a single patch doesn’t mean that you’re correct. (Doesn’t mean you’re NOT correct either!)

          Someone attempting to assist should consider all the pieces of the equation, not just the ones presented. We’ve seen too many problems where the key piece of information is left out of the presentation because the person presenting the problem has self-diagnosed the issue and presents only the info supporting that diagnosis.

    • #2208504

      Will I encounter problem with my Win 7 Pro if I later decide to move to Group A Monthly Rollups

      Moving to roll ups will apply anything that is considered necessary. It doesn’t mean you won’t have problems.

      There really is nothing you can do to prevent issues except backup.

      cheers, Paul

      Noted with thanks.

      -Eddie Loh

      • #2208547

        Eddie, please use the thanks button for these (bottom right of post).

        cheers, Paul

        1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2252562

      Hi Susan Bradley Patch Lady & PKCano:

      Do I have to install March’s servicing-stack patch, KB 4550735, before I install the April security only updates in view that I had moved to “Goup B” Security-Only patches for my Win 7 Pro with ESU license installed?

      Please enlighten and thank you.

      -Eddie Loh

      • #2252586

        Security-only patches (Group B) also require the installation of the Servicing Stack, which is the update for the Windows Update mechanism itself.
        The March SSU needs to be installed before the April patches.

        2 users thanked author for this post.
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