• ISERROR and IF (EXCEL 2003)


    I have a cell that can either contain an error message, the result from a formula, or a “—” if the contents of a cell is blank.

    What I would like to do is supress any error message and show “—” in the case of error or a select cell is blank and
    otherwise show the results of formula. I can handle the IF condition, but combining the ISERROR and IF is the problem.

    Viewing 3 reply threads
    • #842459

      The general way to do this is


      where formula is the exact same reference or formula in both parts of the expression. However if you could post your actual expression there may be a more concise way to handle the blank and the error.

      • #842566

        This does it (I think) with a nested IF statement.
        See attached.

        • #842572

          As an interesting (?) supplementary to this, on a large workbook with loads of IFs, is there any mileage in setting up nested IFs so that the most likely (most frequent) result is reached as soon as possible? Or, being dumb, does excel plough on testing the subsequent IFs even though it’s already got the ‘right’ answer?
          The supplementary to the supplementary is, ‘How do you know?’

          • #842576

            As far as I know, Excel stops evaluating a formula as soon at it obtains a value. As an experiment, enter a number in cell A1, and enter this formula in cell B1:

            =IF(A1>0,”Greater than zero”,IF(A1>10,”Greater than ten”))

            If the value in cell A1 is 20, for example, the result of the formula is “Greater than zero”. Although A1>10 is also true, this part is not evaluated.

            • #842586

              Nice test, Hans. Attched is a modest extension, suggesting you’re right.

            • #842592

              Note: in your formula, you don’t really need to add =TRUE after ISTEXT(A1). The function ISTEXT(A1) already results in either TRUE or FALSE, so it can be used as a condition directly, without comparing it to TRUE:


            • #842597

              Which brings me back to the OP; ISNUMBER() handles error returns, so that if a formula errors out or refers to text, a more concise answer to the OP could be in the form


              but we’ll have to wait until we get clarification from the OP. Meanwhile, I’m going to have a beer.

            • #842598

              Which brings me back to the OP; ISNUMBER() handles error returns, so that if a formula errors out or refers to text, a more concise answer to the OP could be in the form


              but we’ll have to wait until we get clarification from the OP. Meanwhile, I’m going to have a beer.

            • #842599

              Thanks, Hans!
              Anything which avoids typpppping is worthwhile.

            • #842600

              Thanks, Hans!
              Anything which avoids typpppping is worthwhile.

            • #842593

              Note: in your formula, you don’t really need to add =TRUE after ISTEXT(A1). The function ISTEXT(A1) already results in either TRUE or FALSE, so it can be used as a condition directly, without comparing it to TRUE:


            • #842587

              Nice test, Hans. Attched is a modest extension, suggesting you’re right.

          • #842577

            As far as I know, Excel stops evaluating a formula as soon at it obtains a value. As an experiment, enter a number in cell A1, and enter this formula in cell B1:

            =IF(A1>0,”Greater than zero”,IF(A1>10,”Greater than ten”))

            If the value in cell A1 is 20, for example, the result of the formula is “Greater than zero”. Although A1>10 is also true, this part is not evaluated.

        • #842573

          As an interesting (?) supplementary to this, on a large workbook with loads of IFs, is there any mileage in setting up nested IFs so that the most likely (most frequent) result is reached as soon as possible? Or, being dumb, does excel plough on testing the subsequent IFs even though it’s already got the ‘right’ answer?
          The supplementary to the supplementary is, ‘How do you know?’

      • #842567

        This does it (I think) with a nested IF statement.
        See attached.

    • #842460

      The general way to do this is


      where formula is the exact same reference or formula in both parts of the expression. However if you could post your actual expression there may be a more concise way to handle the blank and the error.

    • #843536

      I think something like this would work for you. It places — for errors and also when either or both cells involved in the needed formula are empty and runs the formula when both cells have numbers.


      • #843882


        is much shorter.

        • #843959

          There is a problem with your formula when there is no number in the A cell but the B cell has a number. I believe that we want to show — in this instance. Your formula will calculate to 0 because an empty cell divided by a number is 0 according to excel and the 0 is a number.

          See attached


          • #843967

            I wouldn’t call that issue a problem, and we’ll never know if the OP was referring to one cell or two until he or she posts back. And there’s always:


          • #843968

            I wouldn’t call that issue a problem, and we’ll never know if the OP was referring to one cell or two until he or she posts back. And there’s always:


        • #843960

          There is a problem with your formula when there is no number in the A cell but the B cell has a number. I believe that we want to show — in this instance. Your formula will calculate to 0 because an empty cell divided by a number is 0 according to excel and the 0 is a number.

          See attached


      • #843883


        is much shorter.

    • #843537

      I think something like this would work for you. It places — for errors and also when either or both cells involved in the needed formula are empty and runs the formula when both cells have numbers.


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