I have these Linksys Velop Wi-Fi repeater units at the office …. or rather had. Because everyone has an iPhone or a streaming thing, or some sort of
[See the full post at: If at first you don’t succeed]
Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher
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I have these Linksys Velop Wi-Fi repeater units at the office …. or rather had. Because everyone has an iPhone or a streaming thing, or some sort of
[See the full post at: If at first you don’t succeed]
Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher
I’ve personally found that typically any of these devices connect the first time just fine, but if I need to reset them, they fight me. These devices are still under support and received a firmware update in 2021. The industry is failing and we will fill up landfills if we keep throwing things away.
Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher
Ah, Novell… Those where the days. A book shelve full with them red books. They were very thorough on each subject. Every time I have to fiddle with file/folder permissions, I think about the way NetWare managed those file/folder persmission in such an easy way. And how many times Salvage came to the rescue. And Palindrome Network Archivist – the BEST backup software ever. All gone now…. It’s a shame.
Back to the subject – this whole ‘you need an app’ to use product x is a bad development. Those apps only last a couple of years where the product might well have a decade of use. Simply means more and more perfectly good hardware is tossed out because there’s no longer an app available.
I remember, just after the IBM PC came out in 1983 or so, being told that now with computers we would no longer need paper, so I should not invest in paper company stocks. At the time IBM was said to be the largest individual vendor of printed material (on paper!) in the world.
If I reset a router, I, Of course, have to change the default wifi passwords, which means I have to log on to it via a computer. Last time it took 3 times. Part of it is the fault of lingering info on the computer, and part that the router apparently doesn’t completely reset sometimes.
received a firmware update in 2021
Were you using the latest iOS app update ?
Under stress I just get the credit card out and buy something new.
which is exactly what these device manufacturers want you to do … they need to stay in business so planned obsolescence is part of the strategy …remember Vance Packard’s The Waste Makers? Time is money, so we save time by buying a new one rather than taking the time and effort to figure out how to make the old one still work.
Good for you, Susan. I’m glad to hear you didn’t succumb.
Susan not sure if it is related, but i have heard the other day that apple have changed there wifi security on the latest iOS Version on phones etc. If the device you are trying to connect to does not support the new security measures you get problems. I know someone said a work around was to use a cable. If this is not the problem it’s something to keep in mind. All the best…
i have heard the other day that apple have changed there wifi security on the latest iOS Version on phones etc.
Where? Link please.
cheers, Paul
Hi Paul,
On further inquiries with a friend it is to do with the new wave of encryption that apple is now using for personal Hotspot/tethering. WPA3 on iOS 15.3 will cause problems with a couple of years old devices. Sorry i don’t have a link as it was talked about on a radio show a few days ago. All the best Paul…hope this helps.
I have a 7-node Velop system I share with my neighbor. I feel every part of your story – every single part. They work great until they don’t.
I was very excited when they added Client Steering and Node Steering capabilities. But stability is orders of magnitude better when they’re off. So they stay off.
And I keep my old Nexus 6 for only two reasons. Reliable bluetooth programming of Velop nodes with their gods-forsaken app, and backing up my Google Auth configuration.
Yours in suffering.
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