I predict that it won’t be long before the entire auto industry switches over to all electric cars.
With air pollution standards being strict, it will be a lot easier for car manufacturers to meet the standards if they produce and sell electric cars. Electric cars produce a similar amount of pollution as internal combustion cars, just not at the time you drive them. In other words, the pollution will be someone else’s problem, not the car companies’ problem.
I think car companies are devoting enormous resources to developing viable electric cars, because they know that once they do, they will easily meet the strict anti-pollution standards.
I fear the following about electric cars:
* They will be more expensive to purchase and repair than internal combustion cars.
* They will be a lot more hackable.
On a related note, I have a theory: I’ll bet I could get a powerful inverter generator and hook it up to my electric car, then keep the battery at full capacity simply by running the generator whenever I’m driving. Inverter generators are quiet, and they put out clean power. If that technology could be incorporated into electric cars, I’ll bet you could run them entirely on gasoline and get a lot better mileage than with a standard internal combustion car. From what I’ve heard, one of the tricks to getting good gas mileage is to run your motor at a steady, consistent speed; and if all your motor does is charge the battery, it can run at a very steady, consistent speed.
with Windows 10 running in a remote session on my file server