I’m a skeptic at heart. You know that. But this manifesto from Mark Zuckerberg really struck home. In times like these, the most important thing we at
[See the full post at: Zuckerberg’s treatise: Building Global Community]
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Copy of Zuckerberg’s treatise: Building Global Community
Home » Forums » Outside the box » Rants » Copy of Zuckerberg’s treatise: Building Global Community
- This topic has 78 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 4 months ago by
Tags: Zuckerberg
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David F
AskWoody PlusFebruary 17, 2017 at 8:51 am #94966For the more cynical amongst us (or realistic depending on your view), here’s a piece about it on The Register:
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AskWoody Lounger
Dioxygen Difluoride
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 17, 2017 at 9:29 am #94971“Zuckerberg thinks he’s cyber-Jesus – and publishes a 6,000-word Zuckerberg saving manifesto”
There. Fixed.
Facebook has no “Western” market slack left to vacuum up (and may actually be losing steam with Western youth), so now it want’s to march into “your country here” and station dirigibles/gliders (or whatever current half-baked, over-capitalized, “Facebook as an airborne ISP” scheme it has recently concocted.)
Zuckerberg would do well to solve his problems in Europe first (where Facebook is being widely accused of propagating politically libelous materials.) Third world dictators who may come to rely on Facebook for their republic’s primary form of intermittent internet access are also likely to have something they want to convey with it (and they may not be as patient as European legal systems.)
AskWoody Lounger
ManagerFebruary 17, 2017 at 9:48 am #94978Ah, my nostalgic hippie moment has faded.
And there it is: the Technology Jesus moment. There is no human problem that cannot be solved with the right UI and emoji. Praise the Lord! And the Lord is code!
Wake up, Zuckerberg! Wake from your ludicrous childish reverie. You are not the solution. In fact, so long as you maintain this level of delusion over the actual role that Facebook has in people’s lives and in society, you are actually a big part of the problem.
We’re grading this one a big fat “F.”
The Reg strikes again.
But I still want to hear strains of “This land is your land…”
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 17, 2017 at 10:36 am #94993Woody, I cannot belieeve you, of all people, fell for this.
From an uneducated college dropout, who sued hundreds of people to get his private Hawaii beach, who has done the same to his neighbors in SF to get HIS privacy while he violates that of everybody else for profit, who would put ads under your eyelids if he could (and one day he may), whose company produces nothing and pays a team just to maintain his personal page, who has overcharged advertisers through fake metrics, king of the fake news and automated editors?
The Sillicon Valley propaganda which is nothing but one big lie must be so very effective if it got you. SV zillionaires are destroyers of the Americam society and he’s one of the top:
You allow these people to exploit your idealism by telling you what you want to hear while they are doing everything opposite to it. As a journalist it is your responsibility to expose them, not facilitate their manipulation and exploitation.
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Dioxygen Difluoride
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 17, 2017 at 10:47 am #94999I didn’t know you were that Woody.
This, OTOH, is probably traveling more the speed of Zuck.
AskWoody Lounger
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 17, 2017 at 9:56 am #94982Yes. Please connect me even more with a service that not only data-mines everything I do there, it even buys information on me from third-party data aggregators in its hope to exploit me more, by making everything about me available to those who would expand our feverish consumerism.
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AskWoody MVPFebruary 17, 2017 at 10:45 am #94997When Mark Zuckerberg says “Building Global Community”, what he actually means is “Building Worldwide Big Brother”.
Group "L" (Linux Mint)
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AskWoody Lounger
Noel Carboni
AskWoody_MVPFebruary 17, 2017 at 12:10 pm #95036Heh heh heh, “global community”.
I have never in all my years on the planet seen folks who are less capable of reasonable interpersonal interaction than those who have grown up with today’s “social networking”.
Yeah, let’s build on that.
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 17, 2017 at 12:34 pm #95041More like building a global[ist] community… Zuckerberg actively censors conservative / nationalist / rightist views to the point that many proponents of such have to maintain multiple profiles for when their main one get “zucced” (which is generally anytime a liberal, feminist, minority, LGBTQ, etc. is “offended”). And bans are most often delivered for comments on the people’s own personal pages! It’s important to note, no one is forcing anyone to follow or be friends with anyone else.
Then in the same camp, you got folks like Elon Musk dreaming about creating the Borg… They’re all working in their own way to push humanity, for all intents and purposes, into a liberal collectivist world dictatorship where most every aspect of our professional and personal lives is managed by elite “experts” and our views molded by sophisticated propaganda and control of what “news” we have access to, all to enrich and further the power of the ruling 1%.
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AskWoody LoungerFebruary 17, 2017 at 4:16 pm #95184No, he has no concept of community. He just wants the whole world to be on facebook, so that he can exploit it.
I believe he is so stupid as to truly believe that facebook is the world’s savior and that his “success” is due exclusively to the fact that fb caters to the public interest.
AskWoody MVP
GuestFebruary 17, 2017 at 1:28 pm #95075There is the probability that he is just another wealthy Celebrity-Executive guilt ridden by success and absurd wealth. He has been referred to as the ‘Cyber Jesus’. Unlike the real Jesus, he lives in a sprawling isolated complex, works in an ivory tower, tapes over the webcam on his computer, hangs out with other extremely wealthy individuals and decries the intrusion of privacy.
He peers out beyond his marbled and walnut crested mansion to a world that he believes can be changed by the technology that he coddles. His thoughts and intentions are laudable, but whatever his endeavors happen to be, they will have to be sustainable if they have any modicum of success.
Once a major beneficial change has been embedded into the cultural landscape, it will gain acceptance and be protected, but if it is implemented and managed by outsiders, it will fail when the benefactors call it quits. The best example being the decades of international aid that has fallen to corruption and incompetent local leadership.
Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Roger Federer and other very wealthy individuals have set up Foundations that help a select group of individuals in impoverished countries. Once these individuals become a lot more self reliant they voluntarily leave their communities. It is the cycle that has never been broken. Education and skills can only be leveraged where there are opportunities. Zuck talks to a Global-community so his aspirations are quite new. He has to leave his walled garden to fully appreciate all the realities of his challenge.
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 17, 2017 at 4:21 pm #95187The Zuck has set a foundation too. But if you look carefully at all these foundations you discover that they directly or indirectly to their own self-interest. They buy them respectability for all the exploitation from which they made their zillions (not to mention tax relief) and more often than not benefit their former or existing companies (e.g., Gates and Zuck).
It is extremely difficult to avoid so much power and wealth gotten so quickly without it going to your head. These people people confuse their self-interest with the public good, which, coupled with keeping the public uneducated, uninformed and gullible, is the stuff of tyranny.
ManagerFebruary 17, 2017 at 1:35 pm #95087I’m not sure if Mr Zuckerberg understands irony, but it struck me in this BBC article:
In an interview with the BBC, the Facebook founder said that fake news, polarised views and “filter bubbles” were damaging “common understanding”.
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AskWoody Lounger
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 17, 2017 at 2:41 pm #95128I fell into the Facebook and Twitter sewers for a couple, or three, years or so awhile back to mostly keep up with family, friends, and my old high school graduating class. I quit Twitter within a few weeks of low-IQ, uneducated, nonsensical drivel (I’d best not go further), but held onto Facebook until I wound up with almost 300 “friends”, most of whom I knew absolutely nothing about. After three or four years of blocking literally thousands of games, suffering through hours of browsing through cartoons with cute little sayings, pictures of cats and dogs, selfies with huge plates of food ready to be devoured at restaurants, and worse, I also pulled the plug on Facebook, and have never looked back. (To be social media free is to live!) I still just bow and shake my head when sitting in restaurants, doctor’s offices, and other public places and see four or five people, even families, all scrolling and pecking away on their smart phones, not one word or look being exchanged between them the whole time. (I wonder if they do that at the dinner table at home?)
Tech, like any other tool, can be used for good or bad. We’re now seeing college graduates who have been absolute gurus on their little tech machines since the first grade, but cannot speak or write a coherent sentence. They know little or nothing about current events, world history, their own country’s history or government and how it works, the difference between democracy, socialism, communism, or any other ism. They can’t fill out a job application, and even when hired, need remedial education and training to do the work they’re hired to do. I know that from first-hand experience, as a newspaper publisher of 37 years having hired many journalism school graduates who had no clue. I finally started hiring English majors and trained them in journalism myself. If the tech giants will start investing some bucks, energy and time working to help force the politicians to fix the public education crises in the U.S., then we can talk.
To say the tech industry lives in a bubble is an understatement, to say the least. In order to keep piling up the billions — soon to be trillions — of dollars every year for themselves and their stockholders, they’re today all “globalists” by necessity. They’d love to peddle their wares in a world with no borders — no countries, no politics, no religion, no Heaven, no Hell, and whatever else John Lennon’s “Imagine” song says. Even while, as is the case with little Markie, building walls around his own personal compounds at the expense of his own neighbors’ quality of life. You don’t see any of them driving around in little battery-powered clown cars saving the planet from the “global warming” scam, either.
No, Mark, neither you nor Facebook are going to save the world. You are, however, leading a dumbed-down world down a path that can only be saved by one “Man”, alone. He’s been here once, and “He’ll be back.” Then, and only then, will we as “one world”, be saved from ourselves.
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AskWoody Lounger -
AskWoody MVPFebruary 18, 2017 at 5:15 pm #95517 -
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 19, 2017 at 8:05 pm #95940There is a cartoonist Angel Boligan, a Cuban but now living in Mexico…………. whose cartoons are very much to the point………… and some in particular that although do not in words say it, but the image/cartoon captures the moment completely! Here is one such example that denotes
exactly what has been spoken about here and in particular in @dononline’s post. Enjoy the subtleties! LT5 users thanked author for this post.
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 19, 2017 at 8:38 pm #95953I’m going nuts trying to get this reply lined up under the comment I’m replying to! This is my fourth try.
It’s in reply to lizzytish’s Shepherd and Sheep cartoon post:
Manager -
Just Lurking
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 20, 2017 at 1:28 am #95985To all here:
For the record, I did not modify all those posts where I have two entries–I did move this Blog Topic from Woody’s Blog Forum to this Rants Forum–and I’m guessing those two *edit* listings probably are folks who had *nested* their replies under someone else’s reply somewhere in the middle of the series of replies.
The move appears to have re-ordered the replies, and not necessarily in chronological order either!
Sorry for any inconveniences.
And, I’m testing to see if this will nest correctly.
Edit by NightOwl: Nope, no nesting! The move has broken this topic for using nesting!
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 20, 2017 at 2:07 am #95993NightOwl……….. you and all the devs are doing a great job here helping Woody and all of us! and I don’t think anyone is too upset about things not working…….. just puzzled and a bit frustrated perhaps. LT
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Just Lurking
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 20, 2017 at 8:50 am #96026@ lizzytish
NightOwl……….. you and all the devs are doing a great job here helping Woody and all of us!
Thanks for the *thumbs* up–appreciate it!
Still learning some of the *quirks* of the software.
Edit by NightOwl: Well, nesting Replies is broken at this end of the Topic–but okay further up!
Well, look at that, the first level Reply to an existing Reply is nesting.
Don’t know where the *behavior* changes in the Topic thread. Very strange!
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 20, 2017 at 1:31 am #95988Thanks for the thumbs up @dononline, re your comments about The Man…… and his return….my thoughts tell me that he’s still very much with us here…… has never left us….. He’s just waiting for us to include HIM in our lives! LT
Just Lurking
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 20, 2017 at 1:36 am #95990@ dononline
I’m going nuts trying to get this reply lined up under the comment I’m replying to!
Sorry, I messed things up! Best I can offer you is to do what you did, and add a *link* to your post, or use the *Quote* function to point to the source you are referencing.
This is in reply to dononline’s post # 95953
Edit by NightOwl: Well, the Topic allows for placing a reply under a given post (in the order in which other replies where posted–first reply first, and last reply last under the post being replied to–but, no indentation!
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 17, 2017 at 2:54 pm #95141I suppose it’s all right to bypass the rules here just a little bit, since this is a political manifesto ; so how could we comment on it without talking politics ? I’ll try to be as uncontroversial as possible, though, and just show briefly how hypocritical this is.
Zuckerberg pretends it’s possible to “build a world community” by “building the world we all want”. Who on earth told him that everybody wants the same world ? And who is “we”, anyway ?
Just a quick glance across the text disproves this ridiculous agenda right from the start. Zuck thinks “we all want” to “end terrorism” and “fight climate change”. Well, actually, no. A sizeable part of the planet’s population wants and supports “terrorism”, otherwise it wouldn’t be the scourge it is.
And “climate change” does not exist, so how could we fight it ?
It’s all right for one of the world’s most successful billionaires to want to enter politics. What would be nice from him would be to say it upfront, and not disguise it under the mantle of “Facebook is good for you” (it’s not) and “we’re all in this together” (we’re not).
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AskWoody LoungerFebruary 17, 2017 at 4:29 pm #95193>Who on earth told him that everybody wants the same world?
A properly educated, informed and thinking person would not be so stupid to believe he knows that. This is something which only an undeveloped brain could come up with and given his background, why are you surprised by it? It’s quite what one would expect.
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 17, 2017 at 4:06 pm #95176Looks like the Z manifesto is nothing short than the destruction of your profession, Woody.
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AskWoody Lounger -
AskWoody Lounger -
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 17, 2017 at 7:44 pm #95249Well, OK, but I read the article again and I still think it nails a lot of possible reasons for what has happened to the newspaper industry as a whole over the past 15 years. I’ve been watching the industry very closely and with an obviously keen interest, and what I’ve seen ain’t pretty.
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 18, 2017 at 12:34 am #95275Absolutely — no disagreement about the newspaper industry, which has also itself to blame.
Western civilization is collapsing at a steep rate. If you read the link to naked capitalism I posted you’ll it’s the logical conclusion of the corporate welfare state. Knowledge and reason are no longer driving it and it can’t survive that.
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AskWoody Lounger
Dioxygen Difluoride
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 17, 2017 at 5:42 pm #95217Zuckerberg does not really offer any solutions to the issues he sees, other than to call for more political and community engagement, of course on Facebook. He noted that with Facebook’s help, there were more voters in the last election.
“We helped more than two million people register to vote and then go vote. This was among the largest voter turnout efforts in history, and larger than those of both major parties combined,” he said.
This type of cheerleading for Facebook is exactly what Zuckerberg’s post was meant to engender, and media jumped in to do so Thursday, with more than a few posting headlines about his efforts to “save the world.” In fact, Zuckerberg is just trying to save Facebook and the billions in profit it makes from advertising and users’ data with a free commercial splashed across the biggest media sites in the world.
Zuckerberg’s ‘manifesto’ is just an ad for Facebook, not a rebuke of Trump
http://www.marketwatch.com/story/zuckerbergs-manifesto-is-just-an-ad-for-facebook-not-a-rebuke-of-trump-2017-02-16?link=sfmw_twJust more shameless self and product promotion.
Analysis: Shocking. (Not)
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 17, 2017 at 6:07 pm #95227Did he realize he was exaggerating, or did some grownup told him not to make promises he should not commit FB to?
In any case, this should tell you how much thought and intelligence goes into these mindless, useless rants that have nothing to do with reality and everything to do with a feeble, shallow and self-absorbed mind.
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GuestFebruary 17, 2017 at 9:16 pm #95252He is not a very nice person,
AskWoody PlusFebruary 17, 2017 at 9:48 pm #95259“Today we are close to taking our next step. Our greatest opportunities are now global — like spreading prosperity and freedom, promoting peace and understanding, lifting people out of poverty, and accelerating science. Our greatest challenges also need global responses… ”
Who’s got time to respond to these “opportunities”? They’re all too busy looking at Facebook.
Windows 10 Home 22H2, Acer Aspire TC-1660 desktop + LibreOffice, non-techie
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AskWoody Lounger-
AskWoody Lounger
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 18, 2017 at 11:41 am #95390https://arstechnica.com/staff/2017/02/op-ed-mark-zuckerbergs-manifesto-is-a-political-trainwreck/
Looks more and more like the Zuck does intend to run for President and is positioning FB as a personal campaigning tool.
And it looks like from now on there’s be a string of as….es presidents — another clear indicator of collapse.
Bill C.
AskWoody PlusFebruary 18, 2017 at 1:47 pm #95463Great comments. Here is my take.
Political tags – such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth – are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. ~~ Robert A. Heinlein
Zuckerburg is the former.
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AskWoody Lounger-
AskWoody Loungerdononline
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 18, 2017 at 8:44 pm #95560“I also pulled the plug on Facebook, and have never looked back. (To be social media free is to live!)”
I REALLY need to do that.
Yeah, MrJim, I hear you. I get some “funny” looks when the “addicts” find out, but I just smile and think about those three or four hours I no longer waste looking for something … anything … worth reading every day!
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 19, 2017 at 8:21 pm #95952<p abp=”1672″>There is a cartoonist Angel Boligan, a Cuban but now living in Mexico…………. whose cartoons are very much to the point………… and some in particular that although do not in words say it, but the image/cartoon captures the moment completely! Here is one such example that denotes<br abp=”1673″>
exactly what has been spoken about here and in particular in @dononline‘s post. Enjoy the subtleties! LTPERFECT!
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AskWoody LoungerFebruary 20, 2017 at 6:54 am #96013@Woody: I did not subscribe to this Forum, however just received an e-mail indicating that I have. ????
Also when I log in and click “remember me”, I always have to log in the next time I come to the website.?????
Apologies for the inquiry, however I’m baffled as to the reason it shows I’m “subscribed”.
Thank you for your help (Once again).
ManagerFebruary 20, 2017 at 7:03 am #96014I did not subscribe to this Forum, however just received an e-mail indicating that I have. ????
When you are logged in, there should be an “unsubscribe” button at the top to unsubscribe you.If this is not so, please drop Woody an e-mail asking him to unsubscribe you.
I haven’t been able to make the “remember me” work either. Will see if we can get it working.
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AskWoody LoungerFebruary 20, 2017 at 9:25 am #96033@PKCano: Thank you for your reply. I am seeing only the “subscribe” at the top.
Also, “yes”, I too have tried everything trying to make “remember me” function. I’ve signed out numerous times to “re-try” it, and of course just closed the browser thinking that would keep me “logged in”, however it’s never “remembered” me.
Thank you for your reply, and also knowing that you’ve had problems with the “remember me” helps. I appreciate it! 🙂 🙂
GuestFebruary 20, 2017 at 9:55 am #96043@ walker
The “Remember me” feature for website log-in will not work if the Firefox browser Privacy setting for cookies is set to ‘Keep cookies only until I close Firefox’ bc websites use their cookies to remember logged-in members.
Maybe the problem is related to this.1 user thanked author for this post.
GuestFebruary 20, 2017 at 11:36 am #96059@Anonymous, PKCano, NightOwl:
in Re: Firefox:
I have tried changing the “clear cache” when closing, and also “allowing” the cookie. Even
after all of that it is still not recognizing me as being logged in. Other than that I have tried it all.I had forgotten about the clearing the cache every time the browser is closed, however it does not seem to affect the one other cookie I have “allowed for session”. Strange indeed.
I need to log in again to use the “thanks”, so will do that now.
Perhaps someone can come up with the solution… Thank you all for the recommendations!
🙂 🙂 🙂
ManagerFebruary 20, 2017 at 11:39 am #96062I had forgotten about the clearing the cache every time the browser is closed, however it does not seem to affect the one other cookie I have “allowed for session”.
If you allow cookies for the session, they may not be retained for the next session. Try just allowing cookies – period.
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AskWoody LoungerFebruary 20, 2017 at 3:47 pm #96099 -
GuestFebruary 20, 2017 at 12:50 pm #96077@ walker
NightOwl posting Anonymously
Perhaps someone can come up with the solution…
Maybe this information can help:
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AskWoody LoungerFebruary 20, 2017 at 3:51 pm #96104Nightowl: Thank you for the link you provided. I’ve already done everything possible to
try to get the “remember me” to function as I think it was intended to, and nothing solved the issue. There are no restrictions in Firefox on this computer that i can discern.Not really a major problem. Thank you once again for this link. 🙂 🙂
Just Lurking
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 20, 2017 at 8:41 am #96023@ walker
Also when I log in and click “remember me”, I always have to log in the next time I come to the website.
Are you clicking *Log Out* up at the top of the page when you are done with browsing and commenting here at the Lounge?
The *Log Out* essentially it telling the Lounge software *Do not Remember Me*.
If you have been logging out–next time you are logging in, click the *Remember Me* box, and log in. Making sure it says you are logged in, close your browser without logging out. Re-open your browser and return to the Lounge site.
Are you still logged in now?–Test it and let us know.
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Just Lurking
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 20, 2017 at 8:44 am #96024Well, look at that, the first level Reply to an existing Reply is nesting.
This is a test of the second level nesting. Let’s see what happens ….
Edit by NightOwl: And, the second level nesting is also working! Hmmmmm …. don’t know what’s going on, unless the problem with nesting is only happening further down the Topic list of Replies.
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 20, 2017 at 9:32 am #96038@NightOwl: Yes, as I indicated above in my reply to PKCano – – – – I have tried numerous times to get the “remember me” to function. Tried signing out, of course which I knew wouldn’t work, and I tried the “remember me” constantly and then just closed the browser WITHOUT signing out. This has never worked for me, so I just have to keep signing in each time I return. Nothing major, just wondering why it isn’t functional.
Thank you for your reply. 🙂 🙂
Just Lurking
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 20, 2017 at 9:59 am #96045@ walker
Okay, you have not been inadvertently *signing out*.
Having the Lounge *Remember You* depends on a *Cookie* from the website being set in your Cookie Cache of your browser.
Do you have your browser setup to discard cookies, either when you leave a site, or when you close your browser?
If you’re not sure what your settings are, we will need to know what browser you are using so we can help you look for the settings.
And, we may have to look to see if the Cookie is present in the Cookie Cache.
Other software may be responsible for a Cookie not being set–antivirus programs can change browser settings regarding that, and probably anti-malware as well, and possibly the security level setting for Windows may influence how Cookies are handled–will have to explore to find out ….
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AskWoody LoungerFebruary 20, 2017 at 11:41 am #96063@Anonymous, PKCano, NightOwl:
Posted a reply the last time I was here, however I can’t locate it now. Suffice it to say
I’ve tried it all (using Firefox), without any success. Thank you all for your replies.🙂 🙂 🙂
Just Lurking
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 21, 2017 at 1:39 am #96191@ walker
@woody: I did not subscribe to this Forum, however just received an e-mail indicating that I have.
When signed in, have you clicked on your user name and gone to your profile? So, like this:
Where I have outlined a box, it should have two more links in that area when you look at *your* profile while signed in (I don’t have the ability to see those links on your profile, I can only see them on *My Profile*–so can’t make a screen shot of your Profile as it should appear):
- Subcriptions
- Edit
If you click on the *Subscriptions* link, what do you get? Does it say you are signed up for any *subscriptions*?
If *Yes*, then you should be able to *Unsubscribe* from them there.
If *No*, then possibly Woody can over-ride settings and unsubscribe you.
AskWoody MVPFebruary 20, 2017 at 11:53 am #96065@woody: I did not subscribe to this Forum, however just received an e-mail indicating that I have. ???? …
Apologies for the inquiry, however I’m baffled as to the reason it shows I’m “subscribed”.
If you make any replies to a topic, scroll down from the edit box and there is a check box under the reply that says “Notify me of follow-up replies via e-mail” It is automatically checked. Uncheck it before submitting reply and you will not receive any e-mails on that thread (unless you have already subscribed at the top).
Not sure if that applies to you, but it happened to me that way, so sharing my experience.
Non-techy Win 10 Pro and Linux Mint experimenter
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 20, 2017 at 3:59 pm #96109Elly: I don’t care to have a lot of e-mails, so I’ve not used that function to follow
up on replies to a specific subject.I do appreciate your thoughts on that, however. The Forum makes it easy
to go back to a subject users want to keep up with. Thank you for taking the time to reply!
🙂 🙂
GuestOctober 30, 2017 at 1:45 am #141895Just glanced through this old thread — the threading is sort of out of whack! At first I thought it was really a thread about a Walker IT-support issue that had been mis-filed. 😉
But I continued skimming, and got the jist.
Didn’t read the original article because whatever he had to say about curating his global community I figured would just make my blood pressure increase.
I was going to mention something else that I noticed in a specific set of actions that he took in the past year or two (it was reported on the standard US evening tv news broadcasts, which I don’t usually watch, but I happened to see that day) that struck me as naive, immature, unaware, and inadvisable — but the details don’t matter. It’d be mainly “preaching to the choir” here. 😉
I hadn’t noticed this “rants” area of the forum until this moment, I’ll have to take a look around!
GuestOctober 30, 2017 at 1:20 pm #142059FYI – my post in this thread written last night (Oct 2017) has ended up in the middle of the thread, in the middle of Feb 2017 posts – it didn’t appear to show up in chronological order (i.e., at the bottom of the thread).
(This was it: https://askwoody.com/forums/topic/copy-of-zuckerbergs-treatise-building-global-community/#post-141895 )
I take it that there have been some issues with date order (I first noticed and reported on an instance of it in a different area of the forum yesterday). As such, I expect that you are already aware of it, and it’s probably something that is not an easy fix.
I’m not complaining at all, just letting you know where I see something not working right.
Do you want these instances to be reported? Or is there no point at the moment, because they are a known issue and will continue to happen?
Viewing 5 reply threads - This topic has 78 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 4 months ago by

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Latest Firefox requires Password on start up
3 hours ago -
Resolved : AutoCAD 2022 might not open after updating to 24H2
7 hours, 22 minutes ago -
Missing api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-11-2-1.dll
3 hours, 13 minutes ago -
How Much Daylight have YOU Saved?
Nibbled To Death By Ducks
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A brief history of Windows Settings
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Thunderbolt is not just for monitors
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Password Generators — Your first line of defense
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AskWoody at the computer museum
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Planning for the unexpected
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Which printer type is the better one to buy?
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Upgrading the web server
Susan Bradley
7 hours, 32 minutes ago -
New Windows 11 24H2 Setup – Initial Win Update prevention settings?
1 day, 2 hours ago -
Creating a Google account
1 day, 1 hour ago -
Undocumented “backdoor” found in Bluetooth chip used by a billion devices
1 day, 7 hours ago -
Microsoft Considering AI Models to Replace OpenAI’s in Copilot
1 day, 18 hours ago -
AI *emergent misalignment*
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Windows 11 Disk Encryption/ Bitlocker/ Recovery Key
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Trouble signing out and restarting
Tech Hiker
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Windows 7 MSE Manual Updating
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Problem running LMC 22 flash drive
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Outlook Email Problem
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“Microsoft 365 Office All-in-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition FREE
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Cant use Office 2013 – Getting error message about Office 2013
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Nearly 1 million Windows devices targeted in advanced “malvertising” spree
2 days, 3 hours ago -
Windows 11 Insider Preview build 27808 released to Canary
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Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 22635.5025 (23H2) released to BETA
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Sysprep issue
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Android Security Bulletin—March 2025
3 days, 7 hours ago -
23h2: PIN TO START randomly available on right-click
3 days, 7 hours ago -
Microsoft Defender
3 days, 12 hours ago
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