• Best Freeware


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    • #1187757

      I love IZArc. I have to deal with lots of .tgz and .tar files, and IZArc works great with those. It also does a nice job on .rar files. Also, it can open and CONVERT image files, like Nero .nrg files to .iso files, which is very handy! Highly recommended!


    • #1187849

      Irfanview is still one of my all time favorites!
      Some others are:
      PDF X-change Viewer (32 & 64bit)

      Infrarecorder (32 & 64bit)

      Clock X (32 & 64bit)

    • #1187882

      Some of my favourite tools:

      7-Zip http://www.7-zip.org/
      Notepad++ http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm
      PDF995 http://www.pdf995.com/download.html
      Unlocker http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/

      Network administrators should really take a look at Lansweeper (http://www.lansweeper.com/default.aspx). This free network inventory program keeps getting better and better. Initial installation may take some time, but it is certainly worth the effort. The next version will offer even more features, take a look at this screencast for a preview: http://www.screencast.com/users/Lansweeper/folders/Default/media/958d0e49-ed73-429b-a32d-1e8f61ca3195#

    • #1189208

      I maintain a freeware list for students in the IT degree program at Illinois Institute of Technology; it’s pretty complete and most of my picks are also in the top three in Gizmo’s list. The list is at http://trygstad.rice.iit.edu/iitapps/.

      I’ll have to look at IZArc as I’ve not heard of it before; I use 7zip.

      –Ray Trygstad

    • #1189706

      A couple I find useful.
      PopPeeper If you have more than one e-mail address to keep up with. Works on Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, POP accounts, etc.
      EssentialPIM Free version. Does everything I want in scheduling my activities.
      Also, Weather Pulse. http://www.tropicdesigns.net/

    • #1189752

      Just a few to complement those already mentioned:

      XnView – Free graphic and photo viewer, converter, organizer[/url] – similar to IrfanView, but nice to have both
      Convert to PDF free with doPDF[/url] – one of many such freeware PDF printer drivers, but the only one in my experience which will faithfully understand the page/ paper size of the original document. PDF995, PDF Creator, CutePDF and PaperlessPrinter have all failed to pick up the custom page size of a MS Word doc, even when I had them all set to “Custom Size”.
      LastPass[/url] – online password manager and form filler that makes web browsing easier and more secure.

      I could go on and on… come to think of it, looking at this forum, I already have.


    • #1189915

      An interesting list that’s just appeared: 61 Free Apps We’re Most Thankful For – Thanksgiving – Lifehacker


    • #1190033

      Don’t overlook Taskbar Shuffle – drag and drop your taskbar buttons – I use it every day.
      Taskbar Shuffle

    • #1190968

      KeePass password manager for all those passwords you didn’t realize you had. Also great for CC details, bank, tax etc, etc.

      cheers, Paul

    • #1190985

      I 2nd, or 3rd, IrfanView, doPDF and LastPass.
      Another one that I like is OrbitDownlader.

    • #1191024

      From one of the freeware sites you mentioned I just found Everything[/url] which I got to like instantly.

      Locate files and folders by name instantly.
      – Small installation file
      – Clean and simple user interface
      – Quick file indexing
      – Quick searching
      – Minimal resource usage
      – Share files with others easily
      – Real-time updating

      WinXP’s file finder is too awkward, so I’ve been using PowerDesk’s one for several years now. Seems it’s going to have a hard time trying to rival Everything!

    • #1191156

      A few, mostly small, often quite old, free applications that I’d have difficulty living without:

      WorldTime v5.5. A bit long in the tooth, but still very valuable for those communicating with others in different time zones

      Clipomatic. Makes saving clipboard simple

      AutoIt v3. Ideal for quick and dirty programming, but very capable for more complex tasks

      AutoHotkey. Great for automating tasks, and for boilerplate.

      bxNewFolder. Gives explorer a make new folder button

      CrossHair – displays two full-screen lines intersecting your mouse cursor when you press a hot key

      PropertiesPlus 1.65 – great for changing file properties

      KatMouse – allows mouse wheel scrolling in non-active windows

      And for linux, my vote goes to Mint – a more user friendly Ubuntu Linux


    • #1191237

      I enjoy using WebFerret http://tinyurl.com/ydzccus an nice alternative search engine to Google. Not only does it search using a variety of search engines (not Google–but yes it does Google Ads) the results can be seen very quickly. Mousing over a specific result gives you detailed information with hyperlinks for immediate access. You have options to search using all keywords, any keyword, exact phrase, and Boolean expression. It’s a neat little program

      Hey Jude

    • #1191385

      Here is something I’ve bee using for a few years now to catalog my movie collection. Med’s Movie Manager.

    • #1191574

      I have used SendTo from Trogladite software for years–a great little app : download at: http://www.trogsoft.co.uk/downloads/get.php?6

      • #1191969

        I have used SendTo from Trogladite software for years

        SendTo is just a folder in %USERPROFILE%. You can drop shortcuts in there for pretty much anything – I always put a shortcut to Notepad in there.

        cheers, Paul

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