Newsletter Archives
Microsoft tends to enterprise Windows users — but kicks consumers to the curb
There’s a whole lot going on in the world of Windows 8, right now.
InfoWorld Tech Watch.
Only Microsoft knows the true Windows XP numbers — but isn’t telling
If Microsoft would just tell us one number, we’d have a much better handle on the problem coming
InfoWorld Tech Watch
ATMs will still run Windows XP — but a bigger shift in security looms
There’s a lot more than the end of XP dogging bank ATMs.
InfoWorld Tech Watch.
Microsoft announces extended Windows XP support in China — or has it?
It’s all in the translation.
InfoWorld Tech Watch
If UK health service can get XP extended, why can’t we?
The patches are coming. It’s just a question of money.
InfoWorld Tech Watch
Windows XP rules, at Windows 7 and 8’s expense
XP users should be dancing one of those Seahawks cheer jigs.
InfoWorld Tech Watch.
Microsoft keeps chipping away at the Windows XP deadline
Or… when is end of life not end of life?
InfoWorld Tech Watch.
Possible cure for the Windows XP SVCHOST redlining problem?
I’ve seen a lot of reports of solutions to the SVCHOST redlining problem that work on some machines, but not others. Here’s a good one from reader BK that might work for you:
I applied this fix this morning to my machine running Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3 (build 2600).
Was able to use Windows Update after stepping through Xirlac’s procedure.