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XML Core Services 4.0 vulnerability on Windows 7 – unpatched and vulnerable for several years
This from IT:
I previously made a comment (been a year or so) about this issue XML Core Services 4.0 Vuln on Windows 7 – unpatched and vulnerable for several years.
Secunia PSI detects it, Belarc Advisor detects it according to some users. Reports are that it is frequently the result of older software (Quicken/QuickBooks, possibly HP).
Apparently it seems that MSXML SP3 must be installed manually from Microsoft’s download site, then reboot and run Windows update. There will be security patches that appear.
Some have postulated that it was because MSXML 4 SP2 was EOL’d that MS Update did not deliver any patches to users with outdated software. It still seems to be one of the top vulnerabilities exploited.
Included are some relevant links: (see page 28) – pdf is available via Google.I “think” that post #2 by Maurice is the most correct answer. It’s one of those- at your own risk compatibility things. If you run Secunia PSI – its listed as unpatched – Critical. People need to know it’s the #2 out of 50 top vulnerability as of 2016!Thought you and your readers need to know! – I think it’s listed as “Critical”.