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Which way with Windows? Versions, builds, rings, updates, branches, and editions, Win7 to 10.
Cutting through a bewildering array of options.
InfoWorld Woody on Windows
Kits, cats, sacks, and wives,
How many were there going to St. Ives?
Windows 10 Review: Hold off if you use Windows 7
Lots and lots of good and bad points. Be sure to read this before you (try to) install.
InfoWorld Tech Watch
By the way, those of you in the Insider Program who are running build 10240… you already have the “final” version of Windows 10.
Windows 10 build 10240 hits RTM
Win10 RTM is out. Now what will Microsoft do with it?
InfoWorld Tech Watch
What will tomorrow bring?
I’m betting that we’ll hear official news of Windows 10 RTM, and I’m betting it’ll be build 10240.
I’m guessing – not betting – that we’ll see a new build of Windows 10, but it won’t be 10240. I’m guessing MS wants to do a full court press on updates to old versions of Windows 10 Tech Preview, to see if anything breaks, prior to the release of RTM.
We’ll know a lot more tomorrow. I think.
Windows 10 RTM candidate build 10176 compiled, sign-off rumored for Thursday
It’s close. Very close.
InfoWorld Tech Watch