Newsletter Archives
Win10 cumulative update gets an update. Don’t panic!
By Susan Bradley
Even in the best of times, we almost always expect to get Windows-updating surprises. And these are far from normal times.
Still, it was a bit shocking that two days after Microsoft released the expected March cumulative update for Windows 1903 and 1909, it released another cumulative patch.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.11.0 (2020-03-16).
There’s a fix for the double-print security bug in Win7 and 8.1 – but not Win10
A great demonstration of the Achilles’ Heel in “Windows- as-a-Service”
The congenital Windows 10 penalty.
InfoWorld Woody on Windows
Why you should worry about Windows 10 cumulative updates
Joe Belfiore says MS has talked with enterprises and determined that glommed-together Win10 patches are the way to go.
I say that it’ll work fine – until we hit the first bad security patch.
InfoWorld Woody on Windows