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KB 4487017 Feb Cumulative update for Win10 v1803 causing BSODs
@weedacres reports that the Feb 2019 Cumulative Update KB KB4487017 for Win10 v1803 is causing BSODs.
One of my customers called yesterday reporting BSOD’s on their two HP AIO’s. This KB is the 2019-02 Cumulative update for 1803. This apparently started on or about 3/8 when the update was installed.
I found that they’re getting 001a BSOD’s and after some research saw that many others are having the same problem. I saw several failures while working on both PC’s and finally uninstalled the update last evening. I hid it with wushowhide and so far all seems well.
My question is how long with wushowhide keep it hidden? Am I going to have to hand tend this thing until the March updates install?
Is anyone else seeing this problem?
This is a correction to an earlier report. It was not KB 4023057 causing the problems.
Win10 cumulative update KB 3172985 is out
Build 10586.494
The KB article is now available.
Details soon.