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Windows 10 All-In-One For Dummies, 3rd edition, available soon
I just saw a hot-off-the-press copy of my new Windows 10 All-In-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition, which covers up to version 1803.
As you might imagine, I’m pretty proud of it. 942 pages packed full of information you need to tackle the demons within.
And, as promised, there’s a special section at the back with a “thank you” to all of you who are supporting the AskWoody site. At the risk of repeating myself, Thank you!
Look for it just about anywhere computer books are sold — arriving soon. If you want to get a head start, you can put in an early order with Amazon. (By clicking that affiliate link, AskWoody gets a small kickback — at no cost to you, of course.)
Let me know when you see the book in your local bookstore or computer store… and tell me what you think!
The end is near – a Win10 1803 beta build without the watermark
I’ve generally avoided posting about the beta builds of the next version of Windows, which has no official name (that’s GOOD) except “version 1803.” The beta builds have, in general, been more of the same with very few worthwhile changes.
I’m current downloading and installing build 17128.1, which apparently doesn’t have the “Evaluation copy” watermark on the desktop.
That puts me in a dead run to get the third edition of “Win10 All-In-One For Dummies” off to the publisher.
It’s gonna be a long weekend!
Windows 10 All-In-One For Dummies eBook at a breathtaking price
The second edition ebook of Win10 All-In-One For Dummies is now appearing with an amazingly low price….
Zilch. Nada. Free as in beer.
I don’t know how did it, but they’re now offering a free copy of Win10 All-In-One For Dummies, for download.
You’ll have to cough up an email address, and fill out information about your work. You’re supposed to give a phone number and an address. In the end, you get an email with a link that leads to a downloadable PDF. And, yes, it’s the entire second edition. Free.
There’s a similar offer coming from BitsDuJour. Not sure when it’ll be available.
What of a third edition, you ask? I’ve heard rumors that an All-In-One that covers Win10 1803 (or whatever they’ll call it) may be in the works.
And, yes, everyone who’s made it onto the AskWoody Patron Page will get a mention.
Win10 All-In-One For Dummies second edition is here
With a massive re-write for Windows 10 Anniversary Update, this is the book you need to help step you through, in and around problems in the latest version of Win10.
Want to support this site? Order it from Amazon, or just pick up a copy at your local bookstore. I hear that it’s widely available at both large and smaller technical bookstores worldwide, with translations into French and German out shortly.
Perfect for skeptical Win10 cognoscenti — and it makes a great first-timer’s book, too. Thirty bucks or so gets you a thousand pages of insight, advice, and… fun.
Need a Christmas present for your Great Aunt Martha? Want to give your daughter a head start on the road to Windows survival? Wondering what all those furshlinger settings actually do? Looking for something to prop up your monitor? Have I got a book for you.
Thanks to all of you for your support. It means a lot.
“Windows 10 All-in-one For Dummies” coverage of swipes
From a reader:
I just purchased Windows 10: All-in-One for dummies to help with my new Windows 10 touch screen laptop. I am an experienced Windows 7 user on a standard desktop with a mouse. I have very little experience with touch screens.
I found it to be an excellent reference for Windows 10. I have learned a lot from it so far. I have more to look through.
Here’s the “but”
There seems to be very little on using tablet mode with a touch screen without using the mouse. How do I close a program. What kind of movements or swipes you can use with your fingers. I was basically looking for a section dedicated to just that.
Can you suggest a resource where I can find that kind of detail?
Thank you
Microsoft is just now adding some of those capabilities. For example, the latest beta test build includes the ability to swipe down, to exit a program.Some applications support two-finger scrolling (Edge, for example). Some applications support pinch and zoom, others do not. A very few applications support two-finger rotate.Swipe from the left edge will bring up the last-used program. Other than that, I’m having a hard time thinking of any useful swipe gestures.Many of the Win10 gestures require a “Precision Touchpad” – which is a specific brand of touchpad. -
“Windows 10 All-In-One For Dummies” hits five stars on Amazon
Forgive me for crowing, but I’m really proud of this book!
#3 on the Windows best-seller list.
“Windows 10 All-In-One For Dummies” is here!
I don’t know how the production folks did it, but “Windows 10 All-In-One For Dummies” rolled off the presses in record time. A box of ’em appeared on my doorstep last night.
I’d start telling you about how great the book really is — but then I’d start sounding like a proud parent bragging about his preschooler. (Yeah, I do that, too.)
Suffice it to say that, at 984 pages, it’s the most thorough, unbiased coverage of Windows 10 you’ll find. As most of you know, I don’t toe the Microsoft Party Line. My job is to tell you the truth, as best I see it — what works, what doesn’t, and how to get around the parts that don’t. There’s also good coverage of using Windows 10 to get the most out of your iPhone, iPad, Android devices, Gmail, Dropbox, and all sorts of third-party products.
Those of you who asked if there’s a way to support this site, welllllll, now you know. Get a copy for your mother. Your father. Your brothers and sisters. Those folks in the mail room who keep pestering you. And your Great Aunt Mabel — the one who’s still worried about blowing up her computer with Minesweeper.
The book’s great for anyone who has some experience with any version of Windows. (Newbies should definitely start with Windows 10 for Dummies, Andy Rathbone’s best seller.)
Have you seen a copy yet? Post here and let me know where! It should be out (in several languages) world-wide shortly.