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I blew it again
For the %$#@!th time in a few years, I’ve completely blown a bit of sleuthing.
Earlier this week, I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. The cause? Win7 PCs attached to corporate networks were suddenly declaring themselves to be disingenuous. Or not genuine. Whatever.
I looked into the problem early in the cycle and figured it was an error due to this month’s Win7 patches, KB 4480970 and KB 4480960, somehow aided and abetted by an ancient Win7 patch known as KB 971033. Looked like a duck. Projectile pooped like a penguin.
Ends up, I was wrong. @abbodi86 pointed out — and Microsoft has confirmed — that the bug lies in its Activation update servers, which just happened to be changed at the same time the Win7 patches went out. The bug only affects Win7 activation on machines that have KB 971033 installed. Sometimes a projectile pooping penguin duck is a phantasy. Say that ten times real fast.
I’m wrong. They’re right.
Don’t worry. It’ll happen again.