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Microsoft fixes the Win10 activation problem
My version 1809 test machine was throwing the Activation Error I talked about this morning.
I followed the updated troubleshooting steps posted by João Carrasqueira on Neowin and, bada-boom bada-bang, it’s all activated now. The Steps:
- Click Start > Settings > Update & Security
- On the left choose Activation
- Under the top section, click Troubleshoot
Takes all of ten seconds.
Those of you who paid for a Home license – I suggest you get in touch with Microsoft and yell real loud. They not only owe you a refund, they should pay for the time you wasted fixing their problem.
If you have any luck with that approach, leave a note here, please. I won’t hold my breath.
Thx to @EP and Mary Jo Foley
Windows 10 Pro deactivates, complains that you need a copy of Home
Reports are flying in from all over the world.
It’s a bug in the Windows Activation server.
Don’t panic. It’s not your fault.
Right now, based on personal experience (see below), this activation red herring hasn’t made any difference at all in the way Win10 Pro works.
Details in Computerworld Woody on Windows.
Thx @gborn.
UPDATE: Zac Bowden on Windows Central has identified a possible source of the problem:
It appears those affected are users who upgraded using older Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 product keys. Devices that shipped with Windows 10 Pro appear to be unaffected at this time.
Can you confirm?
ANOTHER UPDATE: Microsoft has elevated the “one or two business days” explanation to a sticky post, adding:
Edit 1: Users report that Windows activation troubleshooter might say You have a Windows 10 Home license but you are running Windows 10 Pro. You are advised to ignore that message and wait for the fix.
Methinks the offal has hit the fan. Bet you didn’t know how reliant you are on behind-the-scene activation checks.
ANOTHER UPDATE: I’d be willing to guess that this bug affects machines that have been upgraded from another version of Windows to Windows 10 Pro. Seeing reports on machines upgraded from Win7, 8.1, and Win10 Home to Win10 Pro. (But note this post from Moltium, which says brand new Win10 Pro 1803 machines are getting hit. Thx Richard Speed from The Register.)
AND ANOTHER…: I just got this activation error on a Win10 1809 system: