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Barb Bowman reports preview NET kicks reboot
.@WindowsUpdate why did this preview .NET update install automatically (and requires a reboot)? – @SBSDiva
— Barb Bowman 🌷💙💛 (@barbbowman) February 3, 2021
Barb Bowman reports that on her 20H2 that she received the preview .NET update KB4598299 and it kicked a reboot.
(In other news the OTHER C/D patches for 2004 and 2oH2 KB4598291 came out yesterday as well.
Barb reports she’s seeing this on multiple PCs. Are you? I’m not yet on this one. Remember don’t click on “check for updates”, merely just go view the windows update section.
A few smallish gremlins still infest Win10 20H2 and 2004
By Susan Bradley
With the release of Windows 10 20H2, May’s Version 2004 has moved into an elder-sibling role.
But that doesn’t mean that the spring update no longer has growing pains. Currently in the process of upgrading my systems to Version 2004, I’ve not run into any significant problems. But that’s not the case for everyone.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.44.0 (2020-11-09).
Windows 10 20H2 makes its official debut
By Susan Bradley
On October 20, Microsoft formally released the next feature update for Win10.
If you’re already running Version 2004, this will be a fast transition. It’s a relatively minor update. In fact, it’s already been offered to my Lenovo laptop — and even to my Surface device. And upgrading a test system took just a few minutes.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.43.0 (2020-11-02).
It’s official 20H2 is now out
How to block Win10 version 20H2
Microsoft’s ready to push that puppy out the update chute. You don’t want it until it’s been thoroughly tested, and tested again.
Susan Bradley and I have teamed up to take you step-by-step through the process for blocking Win10 version 20H2 until you’re good ‘n ready to install it.
Details in this Computerworld How-To.
I’m almost ready for Windows 10 2004 … almost!
By Susan Bradley
The fall release of Windows 10 — 20H2 — is rolling into the station. But we’re still waiting to board Version 2004.
If you’re a prudent patcher like me, you see a new release of Windows as the call to prepare for the most current release — i.e. Version 2004. As we’ve said more than once, even if you’re not ready to catch 2004, download a copy and save it for later. Next, take stock of your system and acquaint yourself with any Win10 2004 issues.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.38.0 (2020-09-28).
Windows 10 version 20H2 rolling out to the Windows Insider Release Preview Channel
The new version is coming. Expect Win10 version 20H2 to start appearing on forced-out PCs in a couple of weeks.
In case you haven’t been keeping up on the version numbers, the most recent versions of Win10 are:
Win10 version 1903
Win10 version 1909
Win10 version 2004
Win10 version 20H2Let’s hear it for consistency in naming/branding, and failing to foretell a completely predictable conflict. I guess the new names are better than “Fall in the Northern Hemisphere Conflicted Creators Update” or whatever it was called.
I still don’t recommend that you move to Win10 version 2004 — still too many bugs, most of which aren’t acknowledged — but I strongly recommend that you download and hold onto a clean, free copy of Win10 version 2004.
It’s time to be thinking about saving a copy of Win10 v2004
It’s time to think about socking away a copy of the v2004 ISO for a rainy day. Once version 20H2 is released, the ISO for Win10 v2004 will no longer be available on the Microsoft Download Center.
Win10 Insider Preview Build 19042.508 (20H2) has been released to the Insiders Beta Channel on September 8, 2020. It has also been released to commercial customers in the Beta Channel and Release Preview Channel for pre-release validation.
This means it won’t be long before it is released for Consumers in general, perhaps in the next couple of months. Once that happens, the install media available in the the Microsoft Download Center will be Win10 20H2. In the event you want to install v2004 instead in the future, you should download the ISO soon and store it in a safe place.
Step-by-step instructions in Computerworld Woody on Windows.