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Win10 version 2004 systemwide password “amnesia” – a fix?
I wrote about this unusual – but very frustrating – bug a month ago:
The upgrade to 2004 applies fine but I keep getting prompted for passwords to sign into applications, google, facebook, outlook, and others. It seems the credential manager is not remembering passwords with a local admin account. It will for a while but the password is getting wiped out.
@WarningU2 has found a workaround that involves running a specific (and formidable) PowerShell command.
The bug’s still there. But it looks like this one command makes things work again.
Win10 version 2004 systemwide password “amnesia”
This from WarningU2:
I’ve made two attempts to update to 2004 without success. 2004 applies fine but I keep getting prompted for passwords to sign into applications, google, facebook, outlook, and others. It seems the credential manager is not remembering passwords with a local admin account. It will for a while but the password is getting wiped out.
If you use a Microsoft account log in, it does remember. Is this a strategy for MS to force us to use their login method?
I’ve tried all the suggestions at to no avail. I’ve reverted back to 1909.
From the topic above on the Microsoft community forum that many are having this issue. Has anyone from the distinguished experts here on this forum experienced the same and found a solution other than removing a local admin account?
There’s more than 100 replies on that Answers thread.
Anybody out there have an idea? It seems to be a version 2004-specific problem.
Win10 version 2004 gets “optional” fixes for many problems – but OneDrive still suffers
The “optional, non-security, C/D Week” patch for Win10 version 2004, KB 4568831, claims to cure many of the ills that afflict the latest version of Windows. Mayank Parmar has an overview in Windows Latest:
Microsoft has finally published an optional update to address at least four major bugs in Windows 10 version 2004, including Storage Spaces file corruption issue where the disk-failure protection feature is broken. (That’s the Parity Space bug I talked about on June 18 -WL.)
While the problem with Drive Optimize tool remains unpatched and unacknowledged, Microsoft says it has included fixes for problems affecting Storage Spaces… This patch also allows Windows built-in data protection software to work as intended.
I’m skeptical that the optional update actually fixes all of those problems, but stranger things have happened.
In addition, Günter Born says he’s found evidence of yet another long-standing Win10 bug:
After upgrading to the next build, OneDrive fails and delivers ‘OneDrive cannot connect to Windows’. There can also be printer problems.
He reports on a German blog reader, Martin, who has both a description and a solution of the bug that only occurs when you do an in place upgrade.
And the Win10 version 2004 upgrade blocks just keep comin’
Microsoft keeps throwing up (phrase intended) blocks to upgrading Win10 to version 2004.
Mary Jo Foley posted a report yesterday about Microsoft clawing back its promise to upgrade its own Surface machines:
it’s not just Surface Laptop 3 and Surface Pro 7 that are being blocked. I’ve heard from users of everything from Surface Go 2, Surface Book 2 and 3, Surface Pro X, to other older Surface models that they cannot get Windows 10 2004 without forcing the upgrade. And I’ve heard doing so has created some issues for users who’ve gone this route.
Now comes word from Mayank Parmar at Windows Latest about yet another block. We all knew that some Win10 version 2004 pioneers ran into a bug that broke OneDrive Files-on-demand. “OneDrive cannot connect to Windows.” Now there’s an additional deluge of reports that the Win10 version 2004 installer balks at installing 2004 on some machines running OneDrive:
I was able to successfully download and install Windows 10 May 2020 Update after uninstalling Microsoft’s cloud storage app. It turns out that it’s not just me as others have also managed to remove the upgrade block by temporarily uninstalling OneDrive.
“Uninstalling OneDrive allowed me to get further and avoid the block. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong and wasted so much time trying to figure out what Lenovo update/patch/hardware update I don’t have,” one user noted in a thread on Reddit.
Of course, there’s been no official acknowledgment, and no description of who’s getting held back and why.
Consider it a blessing, folks. You really, really don’t want Win10 version 2004 until Microsoft’s worked out the major bugs.
The Win10 version 2004 bugs keep rolling in
I absolutely do NOT recommend that you upgrade to Win10 version 2004, until we’ve had a few more months to get the problems ironed out.
That said, I’m seeing bug reports all over the place. There’s even a topic here on the site about it.
@Gio –
Right-clicking on the Windows Start flag I get all options but only those directly connected to the Windows Settings work (Apps & Feature, Power Options, System, Network Options, Settings, Search, Run, Logout/shutdown, Desktop). All others do not result in any action whatsoever. I have reported this to the MS Framework Hub, but not sure they arrived at destination. The options not working are all those dealing with Computer Management (Task Manager, Disk/Computer/Device Management, PowerShell).
Installed Build 2004 on an older Dell Studio 17 and it nuked my display driver… Dell no longer supports Studio laptops…I cannot find the original driver on AMD’s website.
Lenovo has new drivers to guard against the Blue Screens that were triggered on their laptops. ThinkPad touchpads also have multiple problems.The blue-dimming app f.lux has problems. Günter Born talks about that and multi-monitor bugs on his blog.These are in addition to the problems Microsoft has fessed up to (how’s that for a dangling participle?), and the ones I listed in Computerworld last week. They’re also in addition to the many one-off problems that people are encountering, including several discussed by Mayank Parmar last week.
Parmar also notes extensive bugs in Storage Spaces and the Drive Optimizer in Windows Latest.
Do you know a good, solid, replicable bug that lots of people are encountering when they upgrade to version 2004?