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Upgrading from Win10 1803 to 1809 may break the built-in “Administrator” account, but you probably aren’t affected
Two good reports over the weekend about a newly-acknowledged bug in the Win10 1809 upgrade sequence.
Günter Born: Windows 10 V1809: Upgrade deactivates Build-In Administrator
Martin Brinkmann: Windows 10 version 1809 upgrade could invalidate Administrator account
Both articles describe a Japanese TechNet “Network & AD support team” official post that describes how upgrading from 1803 to 1809 may “invalidate” the built-in account called “Administrator.”
Ends up, there’s very little chance that your system will get bit by the bug, unless you have manually activated the built-in account called “Administrator.” It’s an elusive beast.
When you set up a new PC, the installation sequence prompts you to create an administrator account — you probably have one with your name (or the name of the person who set up your machine, or the PC manufacturer’s name) on it. That account has all of the normal “administrator” level permissions.
At the same time, the installation sequence automatically creates a second account, called “Administrator,” that has all permissions. But the installer hides that account by default.
Few people enable the account called “Administrator.” It’s considered a security risk — for good reason. You can invoke the genie by playing with a Group Policy, modifying the Computer Management/Local Users and Groups/Users setting, or by a command line. No, I won’t show you how to do it.
If you’ve never enabled the “Administrator” account, you don’t need to worry about the bug. If you have enabled the “Administrator” account, do yourself a favor and disable it.
If the only account on your PC with administrator privileges is the one called “Administrator,” the upgrade should go through without killing it, according to the MS Japan post.
New cumulative updates for Win10 1803 and 1709 — and a taste of what might be right in 1809
The second monthly cumulative update for Win10 1809 is late. And I say bravo and huzzah.
(Not a self-portrait.)
Details in Computerworld. Woody on Windows
Yes, the next cumulative update for Win10 version 1809 will fix the mapped drive and default program problems
Microsoft has announced that the Insider Preview Ring-only update to Win10 1809 — the one that’s still being baked — fixes these problems:
- Addresses an issue in Microsoft Edge with using the drag-and-drop feature to upload folders from the Windows desktop to a file hosting service website, such as Microsoft OneDrive. In some scenarios, files contained in the folders fail to upload, with possibly no error reported on the web page to the user.
- Addresses an issue that prevents some users from setting Win32 program defaults for certain app and file type combinations using the Open with… command or Settings > Apps > Default apps.
- Addresses an issue that may cause mapped drives to fail to reconnect after starting and logging onto a Windows device.
Most importantly, MS has NOT released the fix through the normal Windows Update channels.
If you’re curious, take a look at that list of bug fixes and marvel at how bad the original Win10 1809 must’ve been.
Brinkmann: Add font display issues to the growing number of Win10 1809 bugs
Yet another bug in Win10 1809. Martin Brinkmann just published a good overview on
Machines affected by the issue display garbled or entirely unreadable text.
It’s another bug that was pointed out by Windows Insider beta testers — and Microsoft didn’t listen.
If you got hit by the 1809 upgrade file deleting feature…
and you’ve tried using Recuva to get the files back…
Contact Microsoft directly:
“They have the tools to get you back to a good state.”
Like, maybe Hawaii?
If Microsoft does have a secret tool or two in their hip pockets, I’d sure like to hear about it/them.
Microsoft yanks the Win10 1809 upgrade
UPDATE and some corrections in Computerworld Woody on Windows.
In the past few hours — very early Saturday morning US time — Microsoft pulled the Win10 version 1809 upgrade package. Details are sparse (yawn, as I grab a cup of coffee), but it looks like the official Download Windows 10 page is on version 1803, and ISOs have disappeared.
The KB 4464619 article now states:
We have paused the rollout of the Windows 10 October 2018 Update (version 1809) for all users as we investigate isolated reports of users missing some files after updating.
If you have checked for updates and believe you have an issue, please contact us directly at +1-800-MICROSOFT or find a local number in your area
If you have access to a different PC, please contact us at (link will vary according to country of origin).
If you have manually downloaded the Windows 10 October 2018 Update installation media, please don’t install it and wait until new media is available.
We will provide an update when we resume rolling out the Windows 10 October 2018 Update to customers.
Permit me to provide an English-language translation:
If you were gullible enough to believe the breathless reviews about a product that’s marginally better than what you have, and you trusted Microsoft enough to install it on your machine as quickly as you could, the joke’s on you.
Moral of the story: Listen to what the experienced Windows folks say. It’s happened before, and it’ll happen again.
This time it’s particularly dire, because I have no idea how Microsoft is going to restore the data it deleted.
My Recuva trick for restoring deleted data doesn’t work all the time. Recuva itself doesn’t work all the time, even in the best circumstances (particularly on solid state drives). This isn’t one of those best circumstances.
Note the strategic timing of the announcement. Microsoft has known about this bug since October 2. I reported on it, along with a workaround that works most of the time, on October 4. They waited until early Saturday morning, October 6, to acknowledge the problem and pull the plug.
Anybody who tells you to install patches immediately should be drawn and quartered.
WHY are 1809 upgraders getting their files zapped?
I’ve been looking at reports from all over the world, and can’t find a pattern. Some people got hit, others didn’t, and I have no idea why.
If you had your documents, pictures, or other files deleted on the road to 1809, please post on this Reddit thread and help Microsoft figure it out.
And make sure to tell your friends that all is not lost. A quick run of Recuva should bring the deleted files back.
UPDATE: There’s some question as to whether Recuva can recover 1809-upgrade-deleted-files from an SSD. Lots of moving parts. If you’ve hit the 1809-upgrade-deleted files problem, and they were deleted from an SSD, I’d appreciate your advice!
After that, you can roll back the upgrade. Which ain’t a bad idea.
Patch lady – Icewarp warns of issues for 1809
Patch Lady here – with another report/reinforcement of why deferring feature updates is wise. Icewarp is an email platform that some small businesses use. They are reporting issues with 1809 and interaction with Outlook 2010:
Windows 10 Update Error
Hello Susan, The new Windows 10 update called “October 2018 Update” (Windows 1809) has recently been released. Unfortunately, it brings a critical problem to older versions of Microsoft Outlook (2010 and older) that can negatively affect our IceWarp OutlookSync plugin and the synchronization of data may possibly end up with an error. The IceWarp support team has also received reports from our customers about smaller issues with newer versions of Outlook (particularly Outlook 2016) after updating Windows 10 to “October 2018 Update”. The IceWarp development team is currently working on a patch, which will address the described problems from the side of our OutlookSync plugin. We are confident this patch will be released late next week. In the meantime, we recommend you to postpone the “October 2018 Update” for your Windows 10 users, or roll-back the update if you are experiencing the temporary synchronization issues as mentioned previously. Thanks for your patience and understanding while we address these issues.