Newsletter Archives
Technology in a pandemic
By Susan Bradley
We all have good years and bad, but 2020 has been rough on everyone.
The pandemic has damaged world economies, caused untold disruptions to our education systems, put millions in financial peril, and tested our ability to socialize responsibly โ and it’s not over yet.
In the face of those difficulties, I’ve been impressed and encouraged by how people have adjusted their personal lives, their work, and their businesses. And much of that adaptation involves technology. Interestingly, quite a bit of that tech is not based on Windows.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.29.0 (2020-07-27).
Zoom: Is it safe?
By Lincoln Spector
Have you noticed that the start of every article about Zoom suggests that it has quickly turned into the most needed app on the planet?
Thanks to the pandemic, what was created as a business-conferencing tool has become the de facto means for ordinary people to connect to each other. Family get-togethers, schools, charity events, remote concerts, and even television hosts now depend on the service.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.19.0 (2020-05-18).
Keeping in touch โ from a distance
By Lincoln Spector
Social distancing wearing you down? Consider how much more difficult staying home, possibly for weeks or months, would have been 30 years ago. Without the Internet, we’d be much lonelier.
As never before, video chat services such as Amazon Chime, Apple FaceTime, Facebook, Google Duo, Skype, and Zoom are helping to keep us together. Your family and friends might be spread all over town, the state, the country, or even the world, but thanks to the Web you can still talk to them all face-to-face.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.13.0 (2020-04-06).