Newsletter Archives
Shame on Microsoft for Leaving Surface Pro Customers in the Dark
An excellent overview of the Simplo battery case.
Ed Bott’s Windows Insider column for Redmond Magazine.
Now let’s see what happens with the LG battery problem.
Remember Batterygate? It’s back, bigger than ever, with a fratricidal twist
Did the patch that saved Simplo batteries on the Surface Pro 3 screw up the more common LGC batteries?
InfoWorld Woody on Windows
Surface Pro 3 SIMPLO battery fix appears to be working
But three key questions remain.
InfoWorld Woody on Windows
Class action probe begins for faulty Simplo batteries in Surface Pro 3
Looks like there’s a law firm that’s ready to take on Microsoft.
With all the problems we’ve seen with Surface Pro 3, Surface Pro 4, and Surface Book firmware/drivers, it’s hard to imagine why anybody would buy one. But buy they do.
InfoWorld Woody on Windows