Newsletter Archives
Desktop Media — Get a desktop icon for every drive you insert
By Deanna McElveen
Microsoft asks what you want to do whenever you insert any type of removable media, such as USB thumb drives, CDs, or DVDs.
But pay attention: you get only a few seconds to answer before the offer fades away. Too slow! Now you have to go hunting for the drive in Windows Explorer. Grrr.
We’ve been setting up limited-use computers for the Mennonite communities in our area for years. One little program that we install on every one of those computers is Desktop Media by Ian Perez. Although this handy program was last updated in 2011, it still does its job for Windows XP, Windows 11, and everything in between.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (21.33.0, 2024-08-12).
Office tools: Something old, something new
By Amy Babinchak
Most of us begin our workday with a heavy sigh and a click of our email app.
So many messages to review, so many meetings to accept and schedule … so little time. For all of you who toil in Outlook, there are many tools for making the task of managing email and meetings a bit easier. Two of my favorites are Outlook’s built-in Quick Steps and the newly enhanced Microsoft 365 app called Bookings. Here’s why and how I use them every day.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.23.0 (2020-06-15).