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Microsoft surreptitiously adds telemetry functionality to July 2019 Win7 Security-only patch
Unannounced, Microsoft has added telemetry functionality to the July 2019 Security-only Update for Windows 7 KB4507456. Alerted on Patch Tuesday by an anonymous poster:
Warning for group B Windows 7 users!
The “July 9, 2019—KB4507456 (Security-only update)” is NOT “security-only” update.
It replaces infamous KB2952664 and contains telemetry. Some details can be found in file information for update 4507456 (keywords: “telemetry”, “diagtrack” and “appraiser”) and under (in “Package details”->”This update replaces the following updates” and there is KB2952664 listed).
It doesn’t apply for IA-64-based systems, but applies both x64 and x86-based systems.
Microsoft included the KB2952664 functionality (known as the “Compatibility Appraiser”) in the Security Quality Monthly Rollups for Windows 7 back in September 2018. The move was announced by Microsoft ahead of time.
With the July 2019-07 Security Only Quality Update KB4507456, Microsoft has slipped this functionality into a security-only patch without any warning, thus adding the “Compatibility Appraiser” and its scheduled tasks (telemetry) to the update. The package details for KB4507456 say it replaces KB2952664 (among other updates).
Come on Microsoft. This is not a security-only update. How do you justify this sneaky behavior? Where is the transparency now.
Susan, we need your Pinocchio with a loooooong nose.
UPDATE: Details on ComputerWorld. Woody on Windows