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  • Resolve Win10 upgrade errors

    @joep517 bumped into an interesting document that you should stick in your bag of tricks.

    Officially, it’s a Windows IT Pro Center blog entry. Unofficially, it has a lot of useful information for when something Win10 goes bump in the night. With a mass migration to Win1o 1809 under way, and another to 1903 expected shortly, you might want to give it a gander and bookmark it for reference, for when your machine dies. (Better bookmark it on  your tablet or phone, eh?)

    It’s called Resolve Windows 10 upgrade errors : Technical information for IT Pros but don’t let that put you off. The information there works for everybody. It’s just that you may need to strap on your hip waders if you try to go in deep.

    The “quick fixes” section contains general troubleshooting advice that we seem to repeat here over and over:

    • Unplug external hardware
    • Turn off your antivirus
    • Check your c: drive
    • Run the Windows Update troubleshooter

    and so on. From there, the going gets tough.

    Check it out. From Microsoft, so it has to be right, right?