Newsletter Archives
My encounter with Verizon
By Will Fastie
I had two support encounters of note in the past 60 days, but the one with Verizon is worth noting.
Second by second, it seems the systems we use are getting more complex. That’s natural evolution and, for the most part, to be embraced.
But the complexity of our systems in conjunction with the Internet to which we all connect also continues to rise. Even those who consider themselves experts will need help.
Here are my two support stories.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (20.11.0, 2023-03-13).
Freeware Spotlight — O&O Lanytix
By Deanna McElveen
When showing up at a new client’s small business, the first thing you need to know is where the heck everything is. Or maybe you just want to take inventory of your home network.
How many routers are there? How many computers? How many people are using the company Wi-Fi for their personal phones? Is your kid using his/her laptop at 3 a.m.? What are the IP addresses and MAC addresses?
Read the full story in the AskWoody Plus Newsletter 18.17.0 (2021-05-10).
Using the ipconfig command to troubleshoot network problems
By Lance Whitney
When you’re having trouble connecting to a network, Windows’ command-line option IP Configuration can reveal helpful information.
Network-connection problems can crop up anywhere and in various ways: at home, at a hotel, connecting to a network printer, opening webpages, and so forth. Connection issues can be relatively simple or complex. For example, you might have an IP-address conflict, where two devices are trying to use the same address — and the solution is a quick IP refresh. Or your system could have trouble resolving addresses: you can connect to a site or server via its IP address but not through its name. That might require some deeper digging.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 16.37.0 (2019-10-14).