Newsletter Archives
MS-DEFCON 2: .NET and Remote Desktop
ISSUE 20.06.1 • 2023-02-09 By Susan Bradley
Defer until the February updates are fully understood.
Even though I don’t anticipate any specific problem with February’s updates, it’s always hard to know for sure. For that reason, the MS-DEFCON level is raised to 2. Don’t be surprised by a Microsoft update before you’re prepared to deal with it!
Anyone can read the full MS-DEFCON Alert (20.06.1, 2023-02-09).
May updates fix risks to networks
By Susan Bradley
It’s looking like consumers may have an issue-free month — if they don’t run Windows 11 machines — and businesses will have to decide whether they want to patch sooner versus later.
Once again, we have a vulnerability that has already been used and abused, but the good news for home and consumer users is that the vulnerability under fire is seen only in Active Directory domains.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (19.20.0, 2022-05-16).
.NET Framework oddities and ESU issues highlight May patching
By Susan Bradley
For some Windows 7 users, May’s .NET Framework security updates proved to be a patching speed bump.
On Patch Tuesday (May 12), Microsoft released .NET fixes for three new vulnerabilities. CVE-2020-0605 is a remote-code execution threat, CV-2020-1066 might allow elevation of privileges, and CVE-2020-1108 could result in denial-of-service attacks.
But soon after the updates appeared, Win7 users reported installation failures. The upshot? The patches generally worked fine on systems with genuine (paid) and up-to-date Extended Security Updates (ESU) subscriptions.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.19.0 (2020-05-18).
Here’s why we’re not patching Internet Explorer
By Susan Bradley
There’s no way to sugar-coat this: The current Windows updating situation is a disaster.
No, I’m not talking about the usual round of side effects in the second–Patch Tuesday updates, the lack of overall patch quality, or the known issues that impact only a small set of Windows users but that we’re still forced to track.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 16.35.0 (2019-09-30).
August update warnings prove overblown
By Susan Bradley
Recent headlines might make you think we’re deep into a Windows-patching panic.
The buzz centered on August’s Windows updates — specifically, more fixes for the ongoing Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) threat, aka BlueKeep. But the predictions of doom were, as usual, well off course.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 16.29.0 (2019-08-19).
History of cumulative updates for .NET Framework for Win10 1809 and Server 2019
Patch Lady Susan Bradley just discovered this gem.
Yes, there was a cumulative update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.7.2, for Win10 1809, released on April 2.
What’s happening with Win7 .NET updates?
Just got this from reader OC:
Today I received from MS new updates for my Win 7 Pro, x64, SP1 (to be installed when I decide to), for .NET 4.6.4, 4.61. 4.62, 4.7; another for 4.5.2 and a third for 3.5.1.
They are, respectively, kb4040973; … 77; … 80 (the first 5 digits are the same for all three.)Further, the message says they replace kb2978120 and … 28.
Now, when going to the MS page with the explanation and I click on the corresponding kb, say …73 to go to the site where there is a link to the MS site where I can download it, that takes me to a page for …86; when I click on the next one, it also takes me to a page for a different kb, and same for the third one. And they are all include fixes, not the ones advertised in the message, but for … 4.7 ! (Which, according to your site, is best avoided, for now.)
I hope this can be cleared out in the not too distant future. In the meantime, I am keeping this update parked “unticked” in my machine, until that clarification happens, or until postings in your site advise that it is OK to go ahead and install them as they are, or…
.NET Framework 4.7 is now available for Win7 SP1
This question from poster @CraigS526
I upgraded not long ago to .Net Framework 4.6.2 JUST to get Longer File names and had No Issues. It never came up in Win Update to go from 4.6.1 — to ( .2 ) — so IF it is Not an option in June, is there any reason NOT to Install 4.7 Manually?
.NET Framework 4.7 has just recently become available for Win7 SP1. Perhaps it would be a good idea to do some research on the problems with installation and use in Win7 SP1 before moving forward.
Read here about the DirectX Dependency
The DirectX dependency is now available in the Preview of Monthly Rollup released via Windows Update on May 16, 2017. The Monthly Rollup is also available for deployment via WSUS and the Microsoft Update Catalog under the following Knowledge Base Article ids:
Windows 7 SP1 and Server 2008 R2 SP2: KB4019265
Windows Server 2012: KB4019218The DirectX dependency is also available outside of the Monthly Rollup as an independent/standalone package in the Microsoft Update Catalog. Due to its relatively smaller size as compared to the Monthly Rollup package, this standalone package may be preferable for ISVs that need to redistribute the .NET Framework 4.7 with their application.
Please see the following for more information: The .NET Framework 4.7 installation is blocked on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2012 because of a missing d3dcompiler update.
And some information on known issues can be found here.
.NET Framework 4.7 is also available for Win8.1 as a recommended update through Windows Update as of June 2017. It is also available for versions Win10, and as a part of Win10 Creators Update.
Join us for further discussion on .NET Framework 4.7 on Win7 SP1 at Our .Net Framework 4.7 Upgrade Intentions