Newsletter Archives
Linux — it’s all about the apps
By Chris Husted
I always get strange looks from people when I tell them I use Linux on my laptop at home, as if I were some techno-nut who feels compelled to tell the world how important open-source software is.
I’m not, but it is. There is one simple reason I have stayed with Linux for the past five years: it works.
I am currently using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, one of the world’s most popular Linux distributions, nicknamed “Jammy Jellyfish.” Linux “distros,” as they are called, tend to have colorful names. I started using Ubuntu in 2018, when the latest version was called “Bionic Beaver.” Feel free to giggle. I am sure the creators did.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (21.03.0, 2024-01-15).
Vulnerabilities everywhere
ISSUE 20.33 • 2023-08-14 PATCH WATCH
By Susan Bradley
Another month, another series of updates for seemingly everything on the Windows platform.
But this isn’t just any month. Patch Tuesday once again coincided with the week of the annual security conference, Black Hat. The Windows-based topics range from “Hacking (and much much more) with Azure Active Directory” to a briefing titled “Defender-Pretender: When Windows Defender Updates Become a Security Risk.”
In addition, there is a talk called “Single Instruction Multiple Data Leaks in Cutting edge CPUs aka Downfall.” Better known as CVE-2022-40982, the flaw is a transient execution side-channel issue and impacts all processors based on Intel microarchitectures from Skylake through Ice Lake. Not to be left out, Apple and Android bugs have their own talks.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (20.33.0, 2023-08-14).
This story also appears in our public Newsletter.