Newsletter Archives
Preparing for your move to Linux
By Sandra Henry-Stocker
For most of us, our Microsoft Office suite is far from the only thing we use on our Windows computer. What about email, messaging, screen captures, password safes, tax-preparation software, calculators, image-manipulation tools, video players, backup tools, and such?
Read the full story in the AskWoody Plus Newsletter 18.39.0 (2021-10-11).
Considerations migrating from Win7 to Win10
By Susan Bradley
With time winding down on Windows 7 support, more than a few users of that venerable OS are looking for some upgrade clarity.
Top-of-mind for many Win7 users is how painful it’ll be moving to Windows 10. Are in-place upgrades still legal? Does Microsoft care? Can I migrate to Win10 and keep my current setup? Is it free?
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 16.32.0 (2019-09-09).