Newsletter Archives
Home-networking primer, part 2
By Ed Tittel
It’s time to revisit home-networking tools and technologies, especially on the wireless side of things.
In this, the second of a two-part series about the basics of Windows networking at home, we progress into the boundary devices used to connect your local-area network to the provider’s network and on to the Internet. We’ll touch on device economics, mesh networks, and the enduring value and appeal of wired Ethernet in our ever-more-wireless world.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (21.34.0, 2024-08-19).
The Hard Side: Fixing Wi-Fi problems with a mesh network
Lincoln Spector steps you through the reasons for buying and installing a mesh network. If you’re still struggling with pulling wires, dyspeptic routers, signal boosters and coathangers, you’re in for a treat. The units are small, install like a charm, and cost less than you think. Probably.
Lincoln steps us through installation of both the AmpliFi MeshPoint and the Linksys Velop — two different kinds of mesh networks, both of which work like a-ringin’ a bell. (Personal note: I installed a Google Mesh network years ago and it’s been a lifesaver. One of the best computer buys I ever made.)
Out this morning to Plus members in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 16.12.0.