Newsletter Archives
No NumLock key? Problem solved! Here’s the fix.
By Brian Livingston
Most laptop makers are now leaving the NumLock key out of their smaller notebooks.
That’s a disaster for people who’ve been getting symbols that aren’t on their keyboard by entering Alt+number — for instance, typing Alt+0169 on the numeric keypad to get the copyright sign (©).
Some laptops have a function key for a “hidden” numeric keypad. But I’ll show you much easier ways. Read this today, and you’ll be writing documents faster — mañana!
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (20.21.0, 2023-05-22).
Windows PowerToys — returns!
By Nathan Segal
When it comes to utilities for Windows, most of us are conditioned to look either inside the OS or beyond Microsoft
We forget that the folks in Redmond offer a wide variety of accessory tools and utilities online. When was the last time you visited Sysinternals, home of the classic Sysmon and Process Explorer?
Another example is Microsoft PowerToys (GitHub page), which has been resurrected as an open-source app for Windows 10. This collection of useful tools is designed primarily for power users, but the average Windows jockey might want to look at them, too.
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 17.36.0 (2020-09-14).