Newsletter Archives

  • MS-DEFCON 3: Get patched now

    With the Black Hat conference in full swing in Las Vegas, and detailed instructions for bypassing Microsoft’s killbit patches posted on the Web, it’s time to get everything patched.

    Rub your lucky rabbit’s foot, bend over and kiss your keester, and install all of Microsoft’s outstanding patches. Yes, that includes the killbit patches I’ve been moaning about, and the patches Microsoft released two days ago. Susan Bradley’s Top Story in Windows Secrets Newsletter, released about an hour ago, convinced me that the bad guys are hovering, and a rash of infectious junk is about to hit the fan.

    Specifically, you should install Windows Vista Service Pack 2/KB 948645 , the .NET Framework patch, KB 951847 , Office 2007 Service Pack 2 / KB 953195 , Windows XP Service Pack 3, KB 936929 , the old killbit patch KB 960715 , and the two new ones, MS09-034 / KB 972260, and MS09-035 / KB 969706.

    If you get repeated notifications to install the killbit patches, check out this workaround.

    Microsoft has screwed up the killbit patches so much that you may well break some of your old applications, but the fact that the security holes go all the way into the libraries means there are thousands of newly discovered infectious vectors. The only way you’re going to guard against them is by applying Microsoft’s horrendous updates. You can thank Microsoft’s use of ActiveX for that.

    Do me a favor and boycott Internet Explorer, OK? Use Firefox. We’ll both sleep better at night.

    We’re at MS-DEFCON 3: Patch reliability is unclear, but widespread attacks make patching prudent. Go ahead and patch, but watch out for potential problems.

    Get all caught up, and stay tuned for more fixes, as a result of disclosures at the conference.