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New complaints about Search in Win10 1903 with the September cumulative update
After first warning that there were Start and Search problems with the latest Win10 version 1903 cumulative update, KB 4515384, MS then said that it couldn’t find any problems.
Over on the mailing list, I see a documented problem:
In a 3 monitor setup. Search works as expected on Monitor 1. On monitor 2 and 3, searching blanks the menu and disappears instead of populating with results.
and confirmation:
I’m seeing the same issue
and a possible workaround:
We were seeing start menu issues until we updated the administrative templates in GP.
You can find new templates here: 58495&WT.mc_id=rss_ alldownloads_all Can anybody else confirm?
Yet another bug with this months Win10 1903 cumulative update: PIN knockout
I don’t know how widespread this is, but @gpmartens1 reports:
Applied the KB 4515384 Cumulative Update to 4 machines using Win 10 1903. On 3 of the 4 machines, it made Pin Login Unavailable. I uninstalled the update on 1 machine, and it did not fix the problem. I’ve tried numerous suggested fixes/changes in Group Policy, etc., and nothing has fixed the problem. No other problems have been noted yet.
There are other details to getting to this point, but found a solution, after trying 10-15 other suggestions. Delete the contents of the folder C:\Windows\ServiceProfile\LocalServices\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Ngc , then reboot, and your prompted for the Pin login again. Don’t know why it’s requiring a 6 digit PIN, because I’ve never set that rule. The files in the Ngc folder will be rebuilt when you reboot.
Worth noting: Microsoft says it fixed a similar-sounding bug in the late-late second August cumulative update for 1903. Per KB 4512941:
Addresses an issue that may prevent the personal identification number (PIN) prompt from appearing when authenticating in Internet Explorer.
I wonder if this is a new manifestation of an old bug — or a completely new one altogether?
Have any of you had this problem?
Parmar: The latest Win10 1903 cumulative update is causing audio problems
I’m really starting to like this guy….
Mayank Parmar on WindowsLatest reports:
According to numerous posts (1, 2, 3), users are reporting that the cumulative update breaks down audio or reduces the volume when playing games.
Looks like yet another reason why MS’s super-duper extended testing regimen for Win10 1903 patches just doesn’t make it.
Microsoft confirms Search bug in this month’s Win10 version 1903 patch
It looks different from last month’s Search bug in the Win10 version 1903 cumulative update. But at least it’s been officially acknowledged.
Details in Computerworld Woody on Windows.
UPDATE: Microsoft has published a long KB article explaining how to get Search to work again. Your options:
- Run the Search and Indexing troubleshooter
- Restart your device
- Use a PowerShell script (provided) to reset Windows Search
- If the previous suggestions don’t fix the problem, let us know by sending feedback in the Feedback Hub.
Understand that these instructions are to fix the bug Microsoft released in their cumulative update.
PowerShell scripts as a service, I always say.
So did MS fix the Win10 1903 SearchUI.exe redlining bug, or not? And are you seeing Start Menu problems?
I’m seeing sporadic reports that yesterday’s cumulative update for Win10 1903, KB 4515384, fixes the bug introduced in last week’s second August cumulative update, KB 4512941 — the bug that drove Search nuts.
Here’s a report of success from Slippery on Tenforums:
Appears to be OK.
But I’m also seeing reports that it hasn’t been solved. From Loraasch on Reddit:
I installed KB4515384 and search is completely broken
Warning others: you probably don’t want to take this update either.
SearchUI.exe simply never launches, e.g., if you start typing stuff after pressing the Windows key, I guess that’s technically a way to fix the high CPU usage.
Can anybody out there independently confirm?
UPDATE: I’m seeing reports of Start Menu problems after installing KB 4515384. IndyPilot80 on Reddit says:
Thought I would give KB4515384 a shot on a spare test computer (released today, yeah I’m brave). Now, when I type in something to the start menu to bring up a program, it does absolutely nothing.
Anyone else having the same?
Edit: I uninstalled it and the problem went away.
This sounds like the second Search bug in KB 4512941.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Mayank Parmar at Windows Latest lists these and other bugs.