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Solution for the error 0x8000FFF in Windows 7
Thanks to two reports from an anonymous poster and @Pradeep-Dixit here, there is a solution for the Error 0x8000FFF.
It seems that an old Servicing Stack Update (or the lack of) is to blame for the error 0x8000FFF users have been experiencing with Windows 7 and the update this month. Servicing Stack KB 3177467 (September 2016) is a prerequisite for KB 4457144 2018-09 Security Quality Monthly Rollup for Win7. It must be installed prior to the September Rollup.
This Servicing Stack Update KB 3177467 can be downloaded from the MS Update Catalog for 32-bit of 64-bit Windows 7.
If you are not familiar with manual download/install from the Catalog, you can download the update by clicking on the 32-bit or 64-bit links above. Save the download to a known location. Close any open programs then double click on the downloaded file, agree to install, and reboot the computer when asked. After rebooting, you should be able to install the September Rollup. (Waiting for the DEFCON number to be 3 or above, of course.)
This SSU also applies to Server 2008 R2
Information ComputerWorld Woody on Windows.
Reported error 0x8000FFFF with the Win7 Monthly Rollup KB 4457144
Reputable report. Anybody else seeing it?
No discernible pattern just yet.