Newsletter Archives

  • Revisited: How to update an old copy of Win7

    Credit: David Stanley, Nanaimo, Canada

    Kevin Beaumont just tweeted:

    Barry Dorrans replied with a reference to this advice from @SwiftOnSecurity in April 2016:

    [REVISED] If updating fresh Win7, first download these, install, and reboot to make update install faster:


    What struck me is how @SwiftOnSecurity’s advice (from April 2016) differs from our AskWoody advice (Feb. 2017, as amended) from @CanadianTech at AKB 3172605, basically:

    3… download and install either one or two updates manually. In most cases only the first (KB3172605) of these is needed. If that produces a result that says the “update is not appropriate for your computer”, you need to first install the 2nd of these (KB3020369), then install the first (KB3172605).

    Can anybody out there reconcile the differences? Which method is best?

    I have a sneaky suspicion we’re going to see lots of Win7 (re-)installs this year.

  • Slow updates for Vista? KB 3145739 solves that, too

    Interesting note from ER:

    After several days of testing KB3145739 on Windows Vista SP2, the Vista version of that patch also worked in fixing the Windows Update “forever” problem.  Got it working on the fourth or fifth try.  Now WU is responding a lot quicker on Vista SP2.

    The real reason why KB3145739 didn’t work on Vista on the first few attempts is because I installed it on a fresh or “clean” install of Vista and did not have the previous Vista security updates installed from August 2009 to all of year 2015.  I had to use tools like Autopatcher or WSUS Offline Update utility to manually download & install the 150+ Vista SP2 security updates from 2009 to 2015 before the KB3145739 fix could actually work.

    I’m beginning to think KB 3145739 is the magical cure. Just hope it works on the updates next month.

  • Win7 updates take hours – or days? Try this combination to fix it

    As reported here by EP, with ch100 and Noel Carboni.

    InfoWorld Woody on Windows