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Another botched Windows patch: MS13-057/KB 2803821/KB 2834904
If you’re looking at a video, and you only see half of it — the top half is completely black, but the bottom half is normal, hey, have I got a patch for you.
Microsoft hasn’t even acknowledged the problems, much less pulled the patch or offered a workaround.
Automatic Update strikes again. Watch the drama unfold at InfoWorld Tech Watch. [Link corrected. Mea culpa!]
And, please, the next time an “expert” tells you to turn on Microsoft Automatic Update, point them to the growing pile of patch problems so far this year. (For patch problems last year, see my InfoWorld slideshow.) Patching Windows and Office is an impossible job. I’m amazed that the folks in the MSRC keep their sanity. But the bottom line is that, if you allow Microsoft to update your machine without watching your own back, you’re going to get stung, sooner or later.