Newsletter Archives
Apple owns ‘AI’
By Will Fastie
Its marketing skills are legend, but the Spaceship has taken it to a new galaxy.
Everything is about AI now. It’s getting to the point that a loaf of bread at the grocery will be marked “Baked in AI-enhanced ovens!”
We all know that “AI” is an abbreviation for “artificial intelligence.” But in the keynote address for Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference last week, presenters announced “Apple Intelligence.” No one specifically suggested that Apple would co-opt the abbreviation “AI” — just consider it a fait accompli. And also consider it a spectacularly brilliant marketing move.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (21.25.0, 2024-06-17).
When should you retire your Apple device?
ISSUE 19.47 • 2022-11-21 Look for our BONUS issue on November 28! PATCH WATCH
By Susan Bradley
Apple’s recent releases encourage new hardware.
There are several people at my office who constantly purchase the latest iPhone or iPad, turning in their old devices in the process. I’m not that adventurous — I don’t recommend updating quite that fast.
However, I do recommend an upgrade if your phone is an older model, such as iPhone 8. Why? Because the best security is provided on the newest hardware, and because Apple has become more like Microsoft in requiring newer hardware to protect against snooping, zero days, and other risks.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (19.47.0, 2022-11-21).
This story also appears in our public Newsletter. -
iPhone/iPad users of Teams and To Do need to keep up to date
ISSUE 18.34 • 2021-09-06 MICROSOFT 365
By Peter Deegan
There are critical changes coming to the Teams, To Do, and Outlook mobile apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android.
Recent announcements from Microsoft mean some updates are necessary for Teams and To Do apps, and some Outlook mobile users are in for a nasty surprise within the next few weeks.
Read the full story in the AskWoody Plus Newsletter 18.34.0 (2021-09-06).
This story also appears in the AskWoody Free Newsletter 18.34.F (2021-09-06). -
Take control of your privacy – iPhone & iPad
Take control of your privacy – iPhone & iPadBy Nathan Parker
Apple heavily promotes its devices and services as being focused on your privacy, especially for those who heavily use Apple’s built-in apps and services.
Apple has a prominent page on its site devoted to its view of privacy.
Read the full story in the AskWoody Plus Newsletter 18.12.0 (2021-04-05).
New AskWoody support for Apple products
Nathan Parker has assembled, and PKCano has posted, a new AskWoody Knowledge Base article, AKB 2000014: Ongoing List of Apple Operating System Updates. It’ll keep you updated on the latest Apple patches, and our recommendations about installing or waiting on each. Given the recent problems, particularly with iOS13, it’s a must-read for anybody with an Apple product.
Our approach to Apple is the same as our approach to Microsoft (and Google, too, for that matter): We calls ’em like we sees ’em. Don’t expect any pulled punches or marketing pablum.
Thanks, folks!
And while you’re at it, wander through the MacOS for Windows Wonks Forum. Nathan has added many interesting topics to the list.
iOS 13.1, tvOS 13, and iPadOS released — plus urgent news for Mac Pro and AVID users
From Nathaniel Parker:
Apple released iOS 13.1 yesterday for the iPhone and iPod Touch, adding additional features that did not make it in the iOS 13 release. Today also marked the release of the new iPadOS variant of iOS, which also happens to officially be at 13.1. tvOS 13 has also been released today as well.
Before updating devices today, however, you might want to hold off until Apple releases a fix for third-party keyboards. For those of us who also use a Mac, it is also recommended to wait and upgrade all devices after macOS Catalina is released. AskWoody is launching an Apple Operating Systems Update list (an AskWoody Knowledge Base article) that will be continuously updated, along with guidance on when to install updates and what updates to wait on.
Urgent news for users of AVID video editing software on the “trashcan” Mac Pro. There is a major issue causing some Mac Pros not to restart after shutting down. For those who use a “trashcan” Mac Pro and AVID, don’t shut down your Mac, and initiate a full-system backup immediately.
Lastly, the new low-cost 10.2” iPad is shipping Wednesday, with in-store availability coming later this week.