Newsletter Archives
Happy New Year!
ISSUE 22.01 • 2025-01-06 EDITORIAL
By Will Fastie
To begin 2025, we bring you our best advice about keeping your PC spit-polished and ready for another year of hard work.
The article “Let your PC start the new year right!” has been a staple around here for years. The tradition is now in the capable hands of our resident hardware expert, Ben Myers, after a long run from Fred Langa.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (22.01.0, 2025-01-06).
Happy New Year!
By Will Fastie
To begin 2024, we bring you our best advice about keeping your PC spit-polished and ready for another year of hard work.
The article “Let your PC start the new year right!” has been a staple around here for years. The tradition is now in the capable hands of our resident hardware expert, Ben Myers, after a long run from Fred Langa.
The core of the article will remain the same, with abundant references to the classic and detailed PC-maintenance how-tos originally published in Windows Secrets — and now available in our newsletter archives.
Did we miss anything? Got ideas about what we should include next time around? As always, we listen to the forums carefully.
Speaking of the archives, we know that they have not been as accessible as they should be. During the second half of 2023, we worked on under-the-cover repairs and enhancements to our system, with the goal of improving our on-site search capability. This, as it turns out, was a much bigger project than first anticipated.
I had hoped to offer this as a New Year’s gift to all our members, but as the busy end of the publishing year approached, the project slowed. We will be resuming this work in earnest this month and hope to make a formal announcement of the new capabilities by the end of the first quarter — sooner, if possible.
Our very best wishes for a peaceful, productive, and prosperous 2024.
Read the bonus Plus Newsletter (21.01.0, 2024-01-01).
2021 has arrived
(well for some…. for me not quite)
Well we almost have made it. It is …or nearly is… 2021.
I’ve seen some of the fireworks displays of other countries – hopefully these links work for everyone?
England fireworks and drone show
Here’s to a better 2021 for everyone from all of us here at
Happy New Year!
If you were in Auckland it’d be 2019 already
It’s gonna be an interesting year, on many fronts….
Windows fades as the world gets more connected
I found this chart from Benedict Evans to be… sobering…
The world’s changing. Fast.
By the way… while I have your attention… today is a very good day to back up everything.
Shanah Tovah Umetukah