Newsletter Archives
Web-based Microsoft 365 is a win-win for all
By Ben Myers
I never thought I would write a paean to a Microsoft product.
Whether I pound out an article like this one, respond to emails, prepare invoices for clients, or keep track of sets of information with spreadsheets, I am most productive at the tower computer right here — with its fast multi-core processor, lots of memory, a 27-inch monitor and, most importantly, the best-ever keyboard.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (21.27.0, 2024-07-01).
MS Word and Google Docs now play nicely together
By Lance Whitney
Just because you need to edit and share documents with someone who uses Google Docs doesn’t mean you have to renounce Word. It’s easy to work in both worlds. Here’s how.
You’ve always used Microsoft Word to create and edit your documents. Over the years, you’ve become comfortable with its many tools, capabilities, and peccadillos. But now you need to collaborate with others who rely on Google’s productivity apps.
Does that mean you have to adopt Google Docs as your default word processor? Not at all!
Read the full story in AskWoody Plus Newsletter 16.29.0 (2019-08-19).