Newsletter Archives
GWX Redux: We’re going to get “upgrade to Win10” nag notices in Win7
Any of you remember the GWX insanity – “Get Windows 10” and its associated deceits?
I’m assured that Microsoft has learned its lesson. Microsoft has just released the first volley in its new, improved “Get Windows 10” campaign. According to Matt Barlow, on the Windows Blog:
Beginning next month, if you are a Windows 7 customer, you can expect to see a notification appear on your Windows 7 PC. This is a courtesy reminder that you can expect to see a handful of times in 2019. By starting the reminders now, our hope is that you have time to plan and prepare for this transition. These notifications are designed to help provide information only and if you would prefer not to receive them again, you’ll be able to select an option for “do not notify me again,” and we will not send you any further reminders.
Y’all remember how well that worked with the GWX campaign.
Mary Jo Foley threaded the needle gently:
Just closing the pop-up using the X in the right corner won’t prevent users from getting more of these notifications, however…. My guess is Microsoft is alerting users about the coming pop-up several weeks early so they’re not surprised — or worried that the coming pop-ups are malware — once they start appearing in April.
Guess it depends on your definition of “malware,” eh?
New Get Windows 10 nag screen arrives
Busy day.
In the past hour, Microsoft has changed the “Get Windows 10” nag screen as well. You don’t have to install anything, there’s no approval — you have no control. If GWX is running, you get it.
InfoWorld Woody on Windows