Newsletter Archives

  • Forum Top Ten lists!


    Talk Bubbles

    The forums are a centerpiece of AskWoody, allowing our community to engage with one another to solve problems, share insights, offer feedback, and add to our collective knowledge. (Not to mention keeping us in line.)

    We appreciate both the questions and the ongoing willingness of forum members to participate.

    Here’s a quick summary of posts from the second half of 2024. We look forward to seeing what happens in 2025.

    Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (22.02.0, 2025-01-13).
    This story also appears in our public Newsletter.

  • Intel’s troubles


    Talk Bubbles

    Will Fastie’s article last week, of the same name, drew quite a few readers to its forum. Contributors homed in on the manufacturing-quality problem with 13th- and 14th-generation Intel processors. In addition to the forum posts, Will received a fair number of emails on the topic.

    As mentioned in the article, Intel has not been transparent about the chip problems, adjusting its story and response several times. It is thus important to follow this matter because these two generations of chips make up the bulk of current PC sales.

    Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (21.34.0, 2024-08-19).
    This story also appears in our public Newsletter.

  • Forum Top Ten lists!


    Talk Bubbles

    The forums are a centerpiece of AskWoody, allowing our community to engage with one another to solve problems, share insights, offer feedback, and add to our collective knowledge. (Not to mention keeping us in line.)

    We appreciate both the questions and the ongoing willingness of forum members to participate.

    Here’s a quick summary of posts from the first half of this year. We look forward to seeing what happens in the second half.

    Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (21.32.0, 2024-08-05).
    This story also appears in our public Newsletter.

  • Ten top forum topics — Support


    Talk Bubbles

    The section of the forums devoted to support has long been the most active area of all. Did you know that the Support section alone accounts for over 158,000 topics with over 885,000 comments?

    We appreciate both the questions and the ongoing willingness of forum members to offer their knowledge, experience, and assistance to help others solve their problems. So check out the Support section from time to time — you never know when you might have that unique insight that will help someone else.

    Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (20.15.0, 2023-04-10).
    This story also appears in our public Newsletter.

  • Ten top forum topics — Newsletter and blog


    Talk Bubbles

    As you all know, a forum topic is associated with every post on our blog (the site’s home page) and every article published in our newsletter.

    Almost every one of those topics generates some interest, so almost all have at least a few replies from the readership. The replies may be compliments on our articles, complaints about what we have written, disagreement with our conclusions, corrections of errors, further information about the topic, or in-depth commentary about specific points.

    Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (20.14.0, 2023-04-03).
    This story also appears in our public Newsletter.

  • The forums, and networking


    Talk Bubbles

    Last week, Will wrote a “From the forums” note titled How to participate in the forums. The response to that note was greater than expected, as you can see if you visit its associated forum topic.

    Your reaction in the forums has already spurred us to make a change.

    Will’s article about his encounter with Verizon also resulted in heavy forum activity. The comments were interesting and instructive.

    Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (20.12.0, 2023-03-20).
    This story also appears in our public Newsletter.

  • How to participate in the forums


    Talk Bubbles

    By Will Fastie

    Plus member Chuck wrote to say he wasn’t sure how to make a post in our forums.

    The comment proved a bit alarming. We have links all over the place to get to the forums. We even have a huge area in the right sidebar of the site, devoted to the forums. This includes simple and advanced search features as well as other helpful sections.

    Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (20.11.0, 2023-03-13).
    This story also appears in our public Newsletter.

  • Be watchful for scams in the forums


    Talk Bubbles

    By Susan Bradley

    Last week, there was an incident in the forums that was unexpected and of some concern.

    Someone (let’s codename the person “Rogue”) signed up for a Plus membership, then used it to send direct messages (DMs) to several other members. The DM contained a solicitation.

    I took immediate action.

    Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (19.47.0, 2022-11-21).
    This story also appears in our public Newsletter.