Newsletter Archives
Get started, but stay original, with Microsoft Designer
By Peter Deegan
There is and will continue to be a lot of hype about Microsoft Designer.
As usual, the reality of a Microsoft product is somewhat different. Microsoft’s focus is making everything quick and easy, which sounds great. But any moderately experienced Office user knows the trap. Too many docs, sheets, and slides have a tedious sameness to them because they rely on the same templates and design helpers.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (20.04.0, 2023-01-23).
Microsoft 365: Year in review
By Peter Deegan
Let’s take a minute to check the rearview mirror and review what’s happened this year with Microsoft Office. We’ll also peer over the horizon to speculate about 2023.
There were obvious (and not-so-obvious) changes to Microsoft Office and Microsoft 365. I’ll look at just some of the changes. They might not be the most hyped changes coming from the never-ending road that is Microsoft marketing, and some of them might be overlooked but yet interesting.
Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (19.52.0, 2022-12-26).