Newsletter Archives

  • Microsoft unexpectedly declares Win10 1809 ready for business

    This with a list of acknowledged bugs almost as long as my arm.

    Details in Computerworld Woody on Windows.

    Yeah, I think somebody read Susan’s Hey 1809, we need to talk.

  • Will Win10 1809 ever be declared “suitable for business”?

    It’s been a raging question for months. Win10 version 1809, released in October, has not been declared “Semi-Annual Channel” (the previous “Current Branch for Business”) worthy as yet, although it’s been out for … count ’em … five months.

    A month ago, Microsoft dismantled its whole update framework and threw away the names that we’ve known for so long — names, such as “Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted),” that are baked into the fabric of Windows Update in versions 1803 and 1809.

    @1EarEngineer just pointed me to a post from ‘Softie John Wilcox which, in response to a question about the updating mess, says:

    1809 has been released, there is no second, separate broad release.   For self managed customers, they control and decided when they have reached their deploy decision, and our guidance is they should have started the deployment process now with 1809, following our recommend framework.  This would be in the target phase, which we are in as well for WU.

    For devices we manage, that are connected to WU, we are in targeted phase, which means we are only publishing the update to targeted devices, not all devices.  This is our normal process, and as we get more data and confidence, we add more devise to the target list, until we reach our decision that its good for all, at which time we publish to everyone. That is when it becomes “broad”. That just signals that it is now broadly available ( same release ).

    Its not a time driven thing, but a data driven thing. 1803, it took 2 months, the historical norm was 3-4 months.  1809 will not be 2 months , but more to the norm.

    1809 is already on VLSC, we are now posting at the same time we start on WU, and will continue that going forward

    Which, to my mind anyway, reaches a new low in obfuscation. First of all, Win10 version 1809 is five months old. Second, if MS doesn’t declare it “Semi-Annual Channel” one of these days, all of those Windows Update advanced settings in Win10 version 1803 and 1809 are just so much mealy-mouth mush.

    Am I missing something here?

  • Windows as a Service in a nutshell, explained

    Microsoft just posted a succinct, accurate description of the new “Semi-Annual Channel” terminology, but there are a few important loose ends

    Computerworld Woody on Windows

    UPDATE: @teroalhonen, on Twitter, just published the group policy settings for the Windows Update policy in the Fall Creators Update version 1709/1710.

  • Microsoft says it’s time to install Win10 Creators Update

    At the same time, they changed the terminology — which was last changed in May. Tell me again, is it Semi-annual Clearance Sale (Broad)?

    What we used to know as “Service Pack 1” and then “Current Branch for Business” and then “Semi-Annual Channel (Broad)” has now been re-christened “Semi-Annual Channel” with a discrete “Microsoft recommends” bullet on the versions chart.

    Bottom line: Microsoft says the Creators Update has just passed its unpaid beta testing phase, and is now ready for businesses.

    Personally, I’m going to hold off until next Patch Tuesday. I’ve heard rumors there are many bug fixes waiting in the wings. Besides, the #1 new feature in Creators Update is the ability for Pro users to relatively easily delay patches – a skill you’ve no doubt learned by now.

    UPDATE: Gregg Keizer just posted his analysis on Computerworld.

  • Win10 machines with 1607 upgrade hidden are getting upgraded

    I’ve seen several reports now. Will keep you posted.

    Microsoft officially released the v 1607 “CBB” bits yesterday. According to @teroalhonnen, the build being distributed is 14393.447, which is the Nov. 8 2016 version of v 1607, including KB 3200970.

    I can understand why having the 14393.447 build available could trigger hidden 1607 upgrades to become unhidden. After all, that’s what happens with earlier versions of Windows – when a new version of a patch rolls out, it’s usually automatically taken off the hidden list.

    But this is the first time I’ve seen it for Win10, and it seems disconcerting that folks who have intentionally hidden the 1607 upgrade are now getting it installed silently – on both Win10 Home and Win10 Pro machines.

    If you see or hear anything, please post here!

    UPDATE: Many of you are reporting that you have to run wushowhide again to re-hide the 1607 upgrade.

    The upgrade cycle is a very complex topic and, as you can see, it caught me flat-footed. I’ll try to make some sense out of it and publish my findings.

  • Win10Tip: Wait for a stable version

    If you don’t want to be one of Microsoft’s unpaid beta testers, it’s easy to wait until new versions are ready for prime time.

    InfoWorld Woody on Windows

  • How Windows 10 will be updated

    I think.

    The story’s not as bad as I thought – although I’m certain many of you will disagree. Have at it in the InfoWorld comments. Some of the powers that be at Microsoft will be watching.

    InfoWorld Tech Watch