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  • DHS wants 1,000 security experts

    I love it!

    Cringely has outdone himself this time.

    The US Department of Homeland Security recently said that it wants to hire 1,000 security experts. That’s the kind of ho-hum sorta-news I generally avoid like the plague in this blog: full of sound and fury signifying very little.

    Bob Cringely, though has a tremendous riposte. His contention: “there aren’t one thousand civilian cybersecurity experts in the entire friggin’ world.” I’d have to agree with him. Bob interviews six of his friends who are of the ethercloak-and-dagger persuasion, and they provide interesting insights.

    The one I like most: Cybersecurity Expert #6. “Sure there are 1,000 (cybersecurity experts),” he said, ” but they are already employed… as hackers.”