Newsletter Archives
It’s time for 20H2
By Susan Bradley
Are you ready for 20H2? I am!
If your computer hasn’t yet been offered 20H2, you aren’t alone. I’ve seen several laptops, including high end Dell gamer-style models, that haven’t been offered 20H2. A notification is shown in the bottom corner indicating that the system is coming to the end of support but when you click on the notice, nothing happens.
Read the full story in the AskWoody Plus Newsletter 18.12.0 (2021-04-05).
Have an HP computer? Check for the Conexant keylogger called MicTray
If you have an HP computer, or Speccy tells you that you have a Conexant audio driver, check to see if you have the MicTray keylogger.
InfoWorld Woody on Windows
UPDATE: HP has started releasing new drivers. See
Ina at Axios has a good update here. It looks like some debugging code made it into production. I’m still baffled how a 64-bit driver with that kind of flaw made it past the Windows driver verification steps.