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  • Privacy is complicated

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    ISSUE 20.48 • 2023-11-27


    Will Fastie

    By Will Fastie

    AskWoody spends a lot of time discussing matters of privacy and security.

    It would be great if we could write one article that would serve as a permanent primer on the subject. Unfortunately, you know from decades of experience that the threat landscape changes constantly. We’re lucky if we can stay one step ahead of the bad guys.

    Or, for that matter, the good guys, who seem hell bent on learning everything they can about us and using that information — for better or for worse.

    Although a single primer seems an unreachable goal, we can offer some guidance around specific technologies. That’s the theme of this, our fall Bonus Issue. In the following four articles, Susan Bradley shares her thoughts and offers guidance to help you keep your personal information as private as possible, short of becoming a hermit on an isolated atoll in the remote Pacific. She covers privacy from the perspective of location, gadgets, the Web, and the PC.

    Your patronage makes it possible to provide this bonus material, and more. Thank you for being a Plus member.

    Read the full story in our Plus Newsletter (20.48.0, 2023-11-27).