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ISSUE 21.23.F • 2024-06-03 • Text Alerts!Gift Certificates
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Susan Bradley

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In this issue

WINDOWS 11: Control Panel and consoles in Windows 11

Additional articles in the PLUS issue

PUBLIC DEFENDER: Depositors lose access to cash in bankruptcy of fintech Synapse

LEGAL BRIEF: Got change for a billion-dollar bill?

FREEWARE SPOTLIGHT: WhoisThisDomain — Where is that great deal coming from?

PATCH WATCH: The good and bad of 24H2

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Control Panel and consoles in Windows 11

Ed Tittel

By Ed Tittel Comment about this article

Control Panel element counts are shrinking, but they remain surprisingly active and entangled in Windows controls, configuration, and management.

Although more than a decade has passed since Microsoft began migrating functionality from Control Panel into Settings, Control Panel elements remain alive and active in Windows 11. Windows consoles are also still important, and likely to remain so, as a new AI-enabled release of Windows 11 is anticipated later this year.

But the landscape between Settings and Control Panel shifts constantly. It’s changed since I wrote the first story in this series (Settings, May 6, 2024-05-06). Indeed, when Windows 11 Insider Preview Canary Build 26217.5000 appeared on May 15, it provided new-look versions of Rename this PC (in Settings | System | About) and Time & Date (Settings | Time & language | Date & time).

Enumerating Control Panel elements and consoles in Windows 11

I created a pair of PowerShell scripts to let me identify all the unique Control Panel elements and consoles in Windows 11 for this story. Control Panel elements reside in files that end with the .cpl file extension, whereas consoles reside in files that end in .msc. A generic version of the PowerShell code looks like this:

  • # Create a master list of console/cpl files
  • Get-ChildItem -Path C:\ -Recurse -File -Filter *.ext | Select-Object -Property FullName | Out-File -FilePath C:\allext.txt
  • # Read the content of the text file
  • $content = Get-Content -Path “c:\allext.txt”
  • # Create an empty array to store the ext file names
  • $extfiles = @()
  • # Loop through each line of the text file
  • foreach ($line in $content) {
  •  # Use a regex to match any ext file name of the form *.ext
  •     if ($line -match “\w+\.ext”) {
  •  # Extract the matched ext file name; add to array if absent
  •        $extfile = $Matches[0]
  •           if ($extfiles -notcontains $extfile) {
  •               $extfiles += $extfile
  •              Echo “.”
  •             }
  •          }
  •    }
  • # Output the array of unique ext file names
  • $extfiles |Out-File uniqext.txt

If you open the preceding lines in a text editor and globally replace *.ext in the first line with *.msc, the script will produce a list of unique .msc files in a file named uniqmsc.txt. Do likewise with .ext and, and you’ll get unique .cpl files in uniqcpl.txt. I reproduce those two resulting lists of files with annotations in Tables 1 (.cpl files) and 2 (.msc files) below.

Please note: Because these scripts traverse the entire Windows C: drive, they do attempt to access three to five folders to which even administrators have no access rights. This is normal. The script will run to completion anyway, despite a sequence of red error messages.

Exploring Control Panel elements in Windows 11 through file search

I ran the CPL version of the foregoing script on a production Windows 11 Pro PC (Version 23H2 Build 22631.3593). It produced 20 unique files that end with a .cpl extension. (See Table 1.)

Table 1: Windows 11 Control Panel Files
Control Panel Item CPL Filename Windows 11 Result
Add New Hardware sysdm.cpl System Properties CPL (computer name tab)
Add/Remove Programs appwiz.cpl Add/Remove programs CPL
Bluetooth Properties bthprops.cpl Opens Settings | Bluetooth & devices | Devices
Firewall Firewall.cpl Opens Windows Defender Firewall CPL
Hardware Wizard hdwiz.cpl Not found (use Settings | BT&D | Devices)
Internet Properties inetcpl.cpl Opens Internet Properties CPL (General
Infrared Properties irprops.cpl Opens Infrared Properties CPL (where IR present)
Joystick Properties joy.cpl Opens Game Controllers CPL
Keyboard Properties main.cpl Opens Mouse Properties CPL
Microsoft Exchange MLCFG32.cpl Defunct (no longer available)
Multimedia Properties mmsys.cpl Opens Sound CPL
Network Connections ncpa.cpl Opens Network Connections CPL
Pen and Touch TabletPC.cpl Opens Pen and Touch CPL
Phone Location Info telephon.cpl Opens Location Info CPL (country/area code)
Power Management powercfg.cpl Opens Power Options CPL
Regional Settings intl.cpl Opens Region CPL
Security and Maintenance wscui.cpl Opens Security and Maintenance CPL
Speech sapi.cpl Defunct (Use Settings | Time & Language | Speech)
Time and Date timedate.cpl Opens Date and Time CPL

By way of comparison, I ran the same script on a Windows 10 PC (Version 22H2 Build 19045.4412). It produced the same list of control panel–element files as did Windows 11. It’s noteworthy that four of those elements (hdwiz.cpl, MLCFG32.cpl, inetcpl.cpl, and sapi.cpl) don’t do anything when entered into the Start menu search box or a command line. In the same vein, Bluetooth properties (bthprops.cpl) opens Settings | Bluetooth & devices | Devices. That leaves 15 remaining, still-working Control Panel elements. I do feel this number will shrink over time.

Looking back at earlier Windows 10 and 11 versions, I also see some variation in the number of Control Panel elements files by version — but not necessarily by operating system.

  • Win11 Version 23H2 Build 22631.2428 [10/31/23] — 22 unique CPL files (+2)
  • Win11 Version 23H2 Build 22621.1250 [10/31/23] — 19 unique CPL files (-1)
  • Win10 Version 22H2 Build 19045.3346 [10/18/22] — 24 unique CPL files (+4)
  • Win10 Version 22H2 Build 19045.3803 [12/12/23] — 19 unique CPL files (-1)

It’s not unreasonable to see that the number of CPL files decreases as the interval between the present (May 2024) and the image date grows. This provides a basis to presume that this total number will continue to decline going forward, as more capability makes its way into Settings from Control Panel. Windows 10 will stop moving when it hits its end-of-support date on October 14, 2025. Windows 11, on the other hand, should keep going for years.

Control Panel omniscience: God Mode

One can construct on the desktop a special Windows data structure that takes the form of a complex folder name. It’s an easy four-step process that consolidates access to all settings and administrative tools, including Control Panel elements, into that single folder. Those steps work as follows:

  1. Right-click the desktop, select New and then Folder from the pop-up menus.
  2. A folder named New Folder appears on the desktop, with name highlighted for replacement.
  3. Paste this string into the filename: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}
  4. After you hit the Enter key, the file icon changes to an unlabeled Control Panel icon, as in Figure 1.

God Mode Control Panel icon
Figure 1. The colorful Control Panel icon at bottom shows the God Mode folder on the desktop.

If you double-click that icon to open the folder in File Explorer, you’ll see 35 categories of Control Panel and Settings elements available for inspection. Each occupies its own subfolder and can be expanded or contracted. Those entries appear in Table 2 below, where ¹ means a Control Panel element is launched, ² means a Settings panel is launched, and ³ means a Windows program is launched that’s neither of those things. (It’s usually a program or utility of some kind.)

Table 2: God Mode Subfolders
Category Name Category Name
AutoPlay ¹ Phone and Modem ¹
Backup and Restore (Windows 7) ¹ Power Options ¹
BitLocker Drive Encryption ¹ Programs and Features ¹+
Color Management ¹ Region ¹
Credential Manager ¹ RemoteApp and Desktop Connections ¹
Date and Time ¹ Security and Maintenance ¹ ³
Devices and Printers ¹ ² Sound ¹
Ease of Access Center ¹ Speech Recognition ¹
File Explorer Options ¹ Storage Spaces ¹
File History ¹ Sync Center ¹
Fonts ¹ System ¹ ² ³
Indexing Options ¹ Taskbar and Navigation ²
Internet Options ¹ Troubleshooting ¹
Keyboard ¹ User Accounts ¹
Lenovo – Microphone Mute ³ Windows Defender Firewall ¹
Mouse ¹ Windows Mobility Center ¹
Network and Sharing Center ¹ ²  Windows Tools ³
 Work folders ¹

Here’s what’s so very interesting about exploring God Mode in Windows 11. Working through the various entries from Table 2, you’ll see that only four of them invoke Settings items. Windows Tools calls various consoles and utilities (e.g. disk management, group policy editor, optimize drives, and more) but calls neither Settings items nor Control Panel elements.

All together, these categories provide the most comprehensive way to access Control Panel elements that I know of in Windows 11. They also show that Control Panel still has many keys to the Windows OS on its aging and outdated key ring, even if duplicates also show up in Settings (e.g., Fonts). Sigh.

Looking over Windows 11 consoles

Running the modified script to elicit MS console (.msc) files produces variable results, depending on the hardware (especially networking hardware) installed on a target PC. That aside, again I see little difference between Windows 10 and 11 where consoles are concerned. Table 3 shows the information from my target Windows 11 test PC (Version 23H2 Build 22631.3593, the current production release as I write this).

Table 3: Windows 11 Console Info
Title File name Snap-in
Authorization Manager azman.msc No
Certificate Manager (Local PC) certlm.msc Yes
Certificate Manager (Current User) certmgr.msc Yes
Component Services comexp.msc Yes
Computer Management compmgmt.msc Yes
Device Manager devmgmt.msc Yes
DevModeRunAsUserConfig DevModeRunAsUserConfig.msc No
Disk Management diskmgmt.msc No
Event Viewer eventvwr.msc No
Shared Folders fsmgmt.msc Yes
Group Policy Editor gpedit.msc No
Local Users & Group Mgr lusrmgr.msc Yes
Performance Monitor perfmon.msc No
Resultant Set of Policy rsop.msc No (part of gpedit tools)
Local Security Policy secpol.msc No
Services services.msc No
Task Scheduler taskschd.msc No
Trusted Platform Mgr (Local) tpm.msc No
Hyper-V Manager virtmgmt.msc No
Windows Firewall Mgr WF.msc No

Consoles are Windows management tools. They seem relatively immune to the drift from Control Panel to Settings between Windows 10 and 11, and in newer Windows 11 versions versus older ones. This provides some welcome stability in a mostly uncertain transition from Control Panel elements to Settings-based equivalents. In Table 3, the only hardware-based item is the last one (which indicates Qualcomm Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on the target laptop). The other elements in the list (21 in all) are consistent across both Windows 10 and 11. I consider that a strong sign of stability.

Coverage by capability is another matter. Recent issues with BitLocker and KB5034441 exposed lack of complete coverage between Settings and the Disk Management Console. Things can get interesting in a hurry in Windows 11 when some issue or gotcha falls into the cracks between Settings, Control Panel elements, and consoles. Indeed. this is what makes Windows troubleshooting occasionally more interesting than it should be, and more difficult to work through.

The more things change …

As the old saying goes, “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” This has been a sometimes challenging but enduring constant with Windows OS versions over the past four decades. Methinks that even though the consoles are more or less solid, Control Panel will continue to wane as Windows moves into a fifth decade after next year.

Of course, only time will tell.

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Ed Tittel is a long-time computer industry writer and researcher. The author of over 100 computing books, Ed is also a Windows (Insider) MVP (2018–2024) who writes for numerous other websites and publications. For more info, visit

Completing the Puzzle

Here are the other stories in this week’s Plus Newsletter


Brian Livingston

Depositors lose access to cash in bankruptcy of fintech Synapse

By Brian Livingston

Hundreds of thousands of consumers have lost access to their checking accounts, debit cards, and credit cards due to a shutdown by Synapse, a financial-technology startup that offered “banking as a service.”

Synapse acted as a middleman between true banks — including Evolve Bank & Trust, Lineage Bank, American Bank, and AMG Trust — and smaller entities.


Max Stul Oppenheimver

Got change for a billion-dollar bill?

By Max Stul Oppenheimer, Esq.

Large patent-infringement verdicts have been in the news recently.

On May 10, a jury awarded IPA Technologies $242 million against Microsoft for infringing US Patent 7,069,560 by incorporating the patented technology into its Cortana digital assistant. Nearly a month earlier, a jury awarded Kove IO $525 million against Amazon for using Kove’s patented technology in its AWS products.

Should you care?


Deanna McElveen

WhoisThisDomain — Where is that great deal coming from?

By Deanna McElveen

There are two non-techie things I really love: shoes and glass ornaments.

Because of tracking cookies, advertisers know this, too. I really don’t mind that very much because while I’m on Facebook, I see only ads that interest me. Unfortunately, I also get questionable ads. How do I know the origin of these vendors and their great deals before I click?


Susan Bradley

The good and bad of 24H2

By Susan Bradley

We’re getting closer to the next round of Microsoft’s feature releases, this time in the form of Windows 11 24H2.

Microsoft took advantage of its recent developer conference, BUILD, to talk about what 24H2 will include. But unless you have access to Entra ID, many of the features are ho-hum at best. And if you are a consumer, you’ll skip most of the enhancements.

Unless you like living on the edge, prepare your system now to hold back 24H2.

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