Getting a 200-digit accurate multiplication result in ExcelVoices: 5, Replies: 17
VBA 2-Year Postings GapVoices: 2, Replies: 1
Name thisfile As thatfileVoices: 4, Replies: 5
Trigger OnScreen Keyboard via Excel VBAVoices: 1, Replies: 0
Weird numbersVoices: 1, Replies: 0
wait a second..Voices: 4, Replies: 4
Count the number of unique entries in a rangeVoices: 1, Replies: 0
Excel 2013 – Conditional Formatting – Bug?Voices: 1, Replies: 0
fixing formulas that are off by 4 rowsVoices: 3, Replies: 8
Excel2013 – trihexadecimal numbersVoices: 6, Replies: 16
Running Excel2016 and other Excel versions on same computerVoices: 3, Replies: 4
Using the Excel Name boxVoices: 3, Replies: 3
Prevent Copying of Cells into WorkbookVoices: 1, Replies: 0
Excel FilmsVoices: 8, Replies: 22
Sorting Sheet Tabnames by group type, number and tab colourVoices: 3, Replies: 4